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Wish List Coat of proving grounds is just an useless cloth.


Well-Known Member
Do you find this pricing correct?
One daily mission PVP token per 21 hours.
Price of a skill pill in daily missions terminal 2000 / 365 = 5.4 years to get a single pill.


The beast is only available to campers, rather than coat owners.
It will be great if refines are available to owners only NPC rather than refiner.

Feel like a big waste of time...
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Oh man, You are lucky the mission is working for you.

And I am bugged.
No matter I have the Registered Hub Coat, the terminal wont give me the mission ...

I also can't stop to cry right now.




Well-Known Member
Fenris sniper recipe is not working...
Yellow tokens are not accepted.

Please fix asap. I am a victim here. :D
Game is not fair, life is not fair. :(