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Coat of the Proving Grounds


Hey, Cyrene. I see that some new updates have come in the 12/13/2016 mini patch. I see mention of a Turrelion Coat of Arms for outside the HUB. Does that mean my Coat of the Proving Grounds is now having a temporary fix? The item sounds the same from whats described in the patch notes but the name is completely different. I tried to go to Ryvox the Cypher again to register my coat and to check the status but he still give me a code:3 error. I also figured the new place to check would be the place mentioned in the patch notes called Turrelion Hazing PvP Area. I can't seem to find it anywhere or the contingency mission and nobody knows what I'm talking about when I ask about it on Cyrene. I really hope this means I can finally do something with my coat. If anyone has any information or any devs see this I hope to here from you soon. Happy holidays!
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Well-Known Member
Hey, Cyrene. I see that some new updates have come in the 12/13/2016 mini patch. I see mention of a Turrelion Coat of Arms for outside the HUB. Does that mean my Coat of the Proving Grounds is now having a temporary fix? The item sounds the same from whats described in the patch notes but the name is completely different. I tried to go to Ryvox the Cypher again to register my coat and to check the status but he still give me a code:3 error. I also figured the new place to check would be the place mentioned in the patch notes called Turrelion Hazing PvP Area. I can't seem to find it anywhere or the contingency mission and nobody knows what I'm talking about when I ask about it on Cyrene. I really hope this means I can finally do something with my coat. If anyone has any information or any devs see this I hope to here from you soon. Happy holidays!
There will be a temporary mission for outside coat owners. Until Ryvox gets fixed.
In one of the 4 corners of new PVP area there is a terminal, but not active yet.
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I couldn't find turrelion hazing area but I found some place called Duster Hazing Station. There was a terminal outside the area but it didn't work. After that I went back Ryvox the Cypher NPC. He finally activated and gave me a mission. The mission tells me to meet up with another Ryvox near Inner Turrelion Outpost. I can't seem to find this area. All the coordinates I found online for it are for the old Cyrene map and nobody in-game seems to have any idea where it is either. I tried the registration NPC in the Proving Grounds to with no luck. The turrelion rift beacon that Hatten mentioned does seem to be the third stage of the mission for the one I got today. I'm just not sure how people got to this point. Ryvox is supposed to be in repair and mission gained a new temporary way but it seems I activated the opposite somehow and it is still broken. If anyone can help that would be great :).