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Coat of the Proving Grounds


I can't register the coat in the proving grounds entrance to start the quest as mentioned in the last VU notes. The NPC only continues to say "I only speak to gladiators", like before.


The contigency mission described in the link below also does not work for me with the terminal at the Duster Hazing Station.


I then decided to go check the Ryvox the Cypher NPC. He worked and finally gave me a mission. The problem though is that the mission he gave me is to go meet Ryvox, but he is Ryvox. The other issue is that this Ryvox that he wants me to meet is near a place called Inner Turrelion Outpost. As far as I can tell, this area was from the old Cyrene map and is no longer in the game. So from what I can see is happening is that I somehow got Ryvox to work but he is still broken, the proving grounds entrance registration doesn't work and the contingency mission is also broken.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Drifter007,

I can't register the coat in the proving grounds entrance to start the quest as mentioned in the last VU notes. The NPC only continues to say "I only speak to gladiators", like before.

The area to walk into in the Proving Grounds is like so:

Box Area Crude.jpg

If you agree to the dialogue that comes up for the mission you should have a quest completed named:


If you don't have that mission complete you can't do any of the other stuff. For me when I go back into the Proving Grounds is when it triggers the best:

Flagged Working.JPG

The contigency mission described in the link below also does not work for me with the terminal at the Duster Hazing Station.

Hmm, this is really strange, but Justine did say that she couldn't access it either when she had the correct coat.

Contingency Mission Working.JPG

It's not quest flagged it's item flagged, so it shouldn't be any issue, but I'll check about it again and see.

I then decided to go check the Ryvox the Cypher NPC. He worked and finally gave me a mission. The problem though is that the mission he gave me is to go meet Ryvox, but he is Ryvox. The other issue is that this Ryvox that he wants me to meet is near a place called Inner Turrelion Outpost. As far as I can tell, this area was from the old Cyrene map and is no longer in the game. So from what I can see is happening is that I somehow got Ryvox to work but he is still broken, the proving grounds entrance registration doesn't work and the contingency mission is also broken.

If you were able to access the Ryvox mission, then I believe that you have Flagged... completed.

Ryvox Working.JPG

This first mission from him doesn't have you going anywhere, you just have to pass his test near here, keep an eye on your radar =)

Let me know if any of this helps resolve the issue or not.



Well-Known Member
How to register your coat :

1st : be sure to have the outside coat in your inventory
2nd : speak with both npc, the trader and the other one. He will always say "I only speak to gladiators". There is nothing different, no acchievemnt appear but your coat will be register.
3rd : quit the hub
4th : wear your coat and go speak with Rivoxx
5th : use the 1st choice from Rivoxx and the mission chain will start.

About the Turrelion terminal, he still not work. Maybe after the mission chain, wait and see ;)


I have both versions of the Coat - the Hub one (already registered) and recently I got the Planetside One.
My question is would I be able to register the outside Coat too ?


Hey Justine, thank you for the reply :)

Yeah the planetside mission is working.
I was just curious whether both Coats can be registered on the same avatar :dunno:
Last edited:


Hey Drifter007,

The area to walk into in the Proving Grounds is like so:

View attachment 2941

If you agree to the dialogue that comes up for the mission you should have a quest completed named:


If you don't have that mission complete you can't do any of the other stuff. For me when I go back into the Proving Grounds is when it triggers the best:

View attachment 2943

Hmm, this is really strange, but Justine did say that she couldn't access it either when she had the correct coat.

View attachment 2942

It's not quest flagged it's item flagged, so it shouldn't be any issue, but I'll check about it again and see.

If you were able to access the Ryvox mission, then I believe that you have Flagged... completed.

View attachment 2944

This first mission from him doesn't have you going anywhere, you just have to pass his test near here, keep an eye on your radar =)

Let me know if any of this helps resolve the issue or not.


Thank you! I figured out what you meant and looted the Turrelion Rift Beacon :). The Duster Hazing Station terminal still doesn't work still for me too. Does the mission end at the beacon and is it only able to be used once? I noticed it is a material and not a tool. I was also wondering, in the VU notes it mentioned an achievement. Was that the item or was there supposed to be an in-game avatar achievement unlocked?

How to register your coat :

1st : be sure to have the outside coat in your inventory
2nd : speak with both npc, the trader and the other one. He will always say "I only speak to gladiators". There is nothing different, no acchievemnt appear but your coat will be register.
3rd : quit the hub
4th : wear your coat and go speak with Rivoxx
5th : use the 1st choice from Rivoxx and the mission chain will start.

About the Turrelion terminal, he still not work. Maybe after the mission chain, wait and see ;)

Thanks for the info :cool:. I managed to figure it out with both you guys help. I am just not sure what to do now that I have the beacon.


Your welcome :)
What to do know? Just follow the mission chain ;)

But are the 7 locations to find before doing the "Find the Rifts" mission active in-game yet or do we need to wait like the terminal? I want to make sure if I take time to search again it wont be for nothing. I couldn't find anything so far and the 3rd mission Ryvox wont give it to me yet.


Well-Known Member
The mission work, but this part will take alot time ;)

You have to find 7 pixel on the planet. You must be very close to the point for see the rift (within 1meter). It mean you can be near and miss it !

But be sure, this part of the mission work


I love my Coat :)

it looks so fluffy and soft.
If there was a real world piece of it I would buy it for sure. :cool:


Sandal San Tolk
I love my Coat :)

it looks so fluffy and soft.
If there was a real world piece of it I would buy it for sure. :cool:
Tailors and factories abound around Chiang Mai... or Singapore where another PP sits... I'm actually amazed the idea wasn't picked up yet. Bring this stuff to a cosplayer event and get additional exposure for the game.


Unfortunately I still have no idea what to do next in this mission chain :confused::( . I see Justine is selling her coat and leads me to think that she got stuck too. Sadly I couldn't get in contact with other coat owners to see if they got any results. Is the mission really active or am I missing something? Everywhere I go nothing activated or was seen with the beacon. I am even more confused now that I see the mission chain possibly changed somewhat in the last VU. In what way it has changed, I am not sure.


"Some instances of the Ryvox mission chain have been simplified"

Can anyone or a dev provide more info to help please? Kind of frustrating to wait so long, then have it work for a moment and get stuck again with no idea what to do or if there is anything to even do yet. I now have both the inside and outside HUB coat and hope to be able to do a lot of cool things with them and Cyrene.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if the mission still work or not. If i sell, its because i have a big disapointment about Planet Cyrene.
I invested alot time and money on this planet, but development is very slow and they don't care about their customers.
There is plenty things to repair before they have to implant new things and they don't do it.
ie Neff's Stim fap paramedic level, last part from Lazidol, crystals for greater power crystal, shop. They promise alot, but nothing happen, except more bugs.
So i'll invest my money in other planet now.


Active Member
Justine's comment is one of the reasons I would like to see a full list of missions and the INTENDED path through them, as well as the intended benefits of getting, say, a coat.

I think the devs (Cyrene) do care, but it doesn't change the bottom line much when development is this slow and unreliable.
What I like is attempts to make good on handing out the wrong rewards in whatever mission (too low) by introducing the activation of a (free?) side mission with a reward to make up for it (that is how I understand the vu statement).

It doesn't turn things positive overall, however, and frankly, if this business right now with the error messages is not going to get even potentially solved until the next pp vu, Kris may as well publish the mission lists as part of the memoires of a lost world... may our grandchildren get to know what we never did!


I don't know if the mission still work or not. If i sell, its because i have a big disapointment about Planet Cyrene.
I invested alot time and money on this planet, but development is very slow and they don't care about their customers.
There is plenty things to repair before they have to implant new things and they don't do it.
ie Neff's Stim fap paramedic level, last part from Lazidol, crystals for greater power crystal, shop. They promise alot, but nothing happen, except more bugs.
So i'll invest my money in other planet now.

Thanks for the response. I guess then I am not the only one then who was having trouble with the coat. I agree with you on a lot of what you just said. It is also the reasons why I and others are not here much anymore. I hope the developers can find a way to begin to fix these fast and maintain the planet so everyone can enjoy it. Some things however are taking a very long time and it really kills it for everyone, especially when it goes on for years.

Justine's comment is one of the reasons I would like to see a full list of missions and the INTENDED path through them, as well as the intended benefits of getting, say, a coat.

I think the devs (Cyrene) do care, but it doesn't change the bottom line much when development is this slow and unreliable.
What I like is attempts to make good on handing out the wrong rewards in whatever mission (too low) by introducing the activation of a (free?) side mission with a reward to make up for it (that is how I understand the vu statement).

It doesn't turn things positive overall, however, and frankly, if this business right now with the error messages is not going to get even potentially solved until the next pp vu, Kris may as well publish the mission lists as part of the memoires of a lost world... may our grandchildren get to know what we never did!

I hear you man. The list idea and showing what is supposed to happen would help so much. I've been trying to figure out how to work this coat for about three years now. Every time I get closer I actually take two steps back and get lost again due to bugs, vagueness or things not getting implemented how they planned. I also think the developers care, but am just not sure what is getting in the way to make everything work on Cyrene. Maybe it is Mindark themselves or maybe there is another issue. All we can do is wait though and hope are time and investments were not all for nothing.


Well-Known Member
As i know, 4/7 rifts was found for the coat mission.

Problem with this mission is : you have to find 7 pixels on all the planet without anything for help. You have to place your avatar in the right pixel, 2 meter too far away and you will loose the rift.
So it take alot time to find all 7 rifts and with all actual bugs, nobody play on the planet.


As i know, 4/7 rifts was found for the coat mission.

Problem with this mission is : you have to find 7 pixels on all the planet without anything for help. You have to place your avatar in the right pixel, 2 meter too far away and you will loose the rift.
So it take alot time to find all 7 rifts and with all actual bugs, nobody play on the planet.

I see. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I will have to search for the four then and try my luck for the rest.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I've been watching the forums and the reports that come in to see if anyone is making progress on the final stage of this 1st part of the Ryvox mission.

As i know, 4/7 rifts was found for the coat mission.

Problem with this mission is : you have to find 7 pixels on all the planet without anything for help. You have to place your avatar in the right pixel, 2 meter too far away and you will loose the rift.
So it take alot time to find all 7 rifts

This isn't quite right, the boxes are quite large (about 10 - 20 m^2 in game sizes), if it's proving to be too difficult we can add in some mission helpers for the next PP VU.

Justine's comment is one of the reasons I would like to see a full list of missions and the INTENDED path through them, as well as the intended benefits of getting, say, a coat.

I'm not against this, especially for chain missions, can anyone recall any other mission chains that were ambiguous that we should start with?

I think the devs (Cyrene) do care, but it doesn't change the bottom line much when development is this slow and unreliable.
What I like is attempts to make good on handing out the wrong rewards in whatever mission (too low) by introducing the activation of a (free?) side mission with a reward to make up for it (that is how I understand the vu statement).

I hope that we come across that we do care, and while there are struggles, pitfalls, unexpected set backs, we do our best here to persevere and continue to move forward as we can.
