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Coffino's export/import service

Coffino Cg Rang

New Member
i'm thinking about starting a export import service if there is any demand for it and was wondering if there are any mats,armours,wepons etc that might be interesting. Atm trading in low lvl armours,low lvl weapons,sweat,M/E residue primairly.

Best regards Coffino


Well-Known Member
i use a III corrosive nano once a week or so. might buy a I combustive nano if no IIIs.

not saying that i will buy this but that i might if it is there on auction or some such since i use them some.

corrosive nano XI and combustive nano VIIIs maybe once every 2 weeks same with arson IIIs and bigger.

just stuff i buy when i go to caly keep in mind i am not placing an order ;)

Coffino Cg Rang

New Member
i use a III corrosive nano once a week or so. might buy a I combustive nano if no IIIs.

not saying that i will buy this but that i might if it is there on auction or some such since i use them some.

corrosive nano XI and combustive nano VIIIs maybe once every 2 weeks same with arson IIIs and bigger.

just stuff i buy when i go to caly keep in mind i am not placing an order ;)

Thank you for your answer :)
And good u clarify you didnt order so i dont go buy plenty stuff i cant move :)

Well that was 1 of my primary conserns seeing Cyrene AH only had about 20-30 pages on entire AH.
And i usally got 2-4 pages at Calypso AH(besides personal trade) wich would mean that i have 10% of Cyrenes AH and as a ´´n00b´´ trader with a very limited Budget this would be a Extremly high risk.(will invest more in jan/feb)

But I was rly wondering if i might be able to provide a service here.
As i noticed Cyrene is not Simillar to Calypso in the sence it's verry much community dependent and the trading oppertunities seemed verry slim and frankly more time wasting then needed:p
So plz reply if u got any thoughts or idea's on how we can improve it :)

Best regards

Coffino CG RAng


Fate Thanatos Themis
u could buy animal oils for 102% and sell them for 104% - i guess ppl would use that kind of service, the key here is smaller amount of sells and no auction fees

same for residues, but with a difference where u sell it: u buy for -2% from caly order MU, and sell them on caly at orders. here also, ppl lose 2% but dont pay auction fee

not huge cash this way for sure, but untill u keep prices fair, it could work
ps those are examples out of the hat, u need to think them through before implementing on ur own risk :p

Coffino Cg Rang

New Member
Thank you for your reply thanatos:)

Well becuse its so low populated are there any intrests in doing this at fixed dates/hours? Or order by reply? or how did u think of the execution of this service?

Best regards

Coffino CG Rang

Coffino Cg Rang

New Member
I have also been thinking about if there is request for sweat, and if so. Ppl would be able to order sweat and sweat get bought at fixed rates either by import or if u want the Cyrene sweathers to be awarded to have some sort of System where minimum price is fixed and all u pay over that becomes donated to the sweaters by increasead prices or some kind of event these are just thoughts.


Fate Thanatos Themis
i not gonna write for u a bussiness plan here ;)

about sweat - no
i will buy for more from noob sweaters here, instead of any importer