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combined log - hunting, mining, crafting


Well-Known Member
mining run 4

finder F- 105 (unmaxed)
Imperium Extirpater v1

50.00 ped probes
2.4 decay
= 52.40

ores & enmats

outcome = 75%

best claim
III yellow


Well-Known Member
so heres an honest question. is this helpful or interesting to anyone? or is it just spam cluttering up the front page of the forums?

cause if this is just seen as spam ive got other thing i can do than spend 5-10 min after each hunt doing this...

dont get me wrong its fun in its own way. bragging about my good loots and complaining about the bad in away.


Well-Known Member
Hunt 26
young to provider paneleons

corrosive VII
arson I (L)
regen V

ammo = 300.00
corrosive= 19.89
arson I= 0.98
regen V=0.53

Total cost= 330.08

Loot =300.12

outcome = 90.9% -29.96

best loot



Fate Thanatos Themis
so heres an honest question. is this helpful or interesting to anyone? or is it just spam cluttering up the front page of the forums?

cause if this is just seen as spam ive got other thing i can do than spend 5-10 min after each hunt doing this...

dont get me wrong its fun in its own way. bragging about my good loots and complaining about the bad in away.

i apprieciate ur log non, but indeed it got to take alot of ur time.
Single table would be easier to do, and good as well i think :)
anyway, thx for ur data!


New Member
Do you not count markup? Cause if you do your returns are pretty low hunting and there are a few things to fix. First you fap too little and have too high armor decay. Second well its all about observing and adjusting to what works best. Your log is interesting. By the way I can fap for you for decay only. You would surely die less and you wouldnt need armor or at least weaker armor. GL!


Well-Known Member
i was pretty happy with 90% tt returns not all of us can profit tt. yes there are things that i can do to min loss.

no thanks for the fap service.

thanks for the tips

could mods please lock this thread so it can go and die?


New Member
i was pretty happy with 90% tt returns not all of us can profit tt. yes there are things that i can do to min loss.

no thanks for the fap service.

thanks for the tips

could mods please lock this thread so it can go and die?

Aww, well yea 90% tt isn't bad. Idk why I said that xD