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Community Input Required : Maturities of Mobs


Well-Known Member
Hello I wish to share with the community changes to be made to the Current Mobs on Cyrene and need your input whether you agree with my observations through studying mob behavior , level defense variances etc..this is also an incentive to hunt for more areas on Cyrene skilled hunters can hunt therefore making the possibility of dynamic upgrades coming sooner than latter.. so i need your help also suggestion that some have there own dedicated spawns


Currently the mob is extremely difficult unless you have major uber armor

Suggestions are that we should have maturities for this mob Ranging from level 35-75

Strong Living Vortex (~level 35)
Ravaging Living Vortex (~level 46)
Destructive Living Vortex (~level 59)
Living Storm Vortex (~level 75)


Currently the mob doesnt really have much levels of diffuculty and the hp is very close to each other

Suggestions are the maturities to be tweaked to provide more challenge

Duster Hunter (~Level 14)
Duster Fighter (~Level 19)
Duster Warrior (~Level 24)
Duster Scavenger (~Level 29)
Duster Scout (~Level 34)
Duster Raider (~Level 39)

Duster Commander (~Level 55) Random Spawn


Young Sky Wraith (~Level 12)
Mature Sky Wraith (~Level 16)
Old Sky Wraith (~Level 19)
Provider Sky Wraith (~Level 23)
Guardian Sky Wraith (~Level 28)
Dominant Sky Wraith (~Level 32)

Ancient Sky Wraith (~Level 59) Random or Dedicated Spawn


Suggestion keep first 3 maturities in the Ultimate Noob Challenge)

Weak Sea Wraith (~Level 3) Ultimate Noob Challenge
Watcher Sea Wraith (~Level 5) " "
Soldier Sea Wraith (~Level 7) " "

Suggestion move the other maturities into seperate spawns near the ocean
(The Posiedon Challenge)

Strong Sea Wraith (~Level 14)
Ravager Sea Wraith (~Level 19)
Devastator Sea Wraith (~Level 24)
Hunter Sea Wraith (~Level 29)
Chaser Sea Wraith (~Level 32)
Majestic Sea Wraith (~Level 36)

Ancient Sea Wraith (~Level 59) Random or Dedicated Spawn


Puny Pleak Should be removed until movement bug is fixed

SCOUT BOT 100-200
To Be Removed from Imperium Pilot Airbase


Add more maturities

Young Mang Chang (~Level 30)
Mature Mang Chang (remain as is)
Old Mang Chang (~ Level 50)
Guardian Mang Chang (remain as is)

Ancient Mang Chang (Level 85) Random or Dedicated Spawn


Add more maturites

Young Rhino Beetle (~Level 50)
Mature Rhino Beetle (remain as is)

Ancient Rhino Beetle (Level 100) Random or Dedicated Spawn

ZELADOTH - add challenge mission with killpoints


Merefolken Elite Should be Harder Level indicating there maturity status and not similar levels to merefolken hunter.

anymore creative suggestions reply here or comments about my suggestions




Well-Known Member
i kinda of like this idea but... are not the mobs supposed to be changing based on which is hunted and which is not hunted. i actually prefer the idea of most mobs being dynamic and having to explore and see the changes after each vu since it keeps things fresh and interesting.


Travelling through time...
Zyn'Dos shouldn't hit like a horde of atrox in the first place. Even against one of them i feel like i have been attacked by thousand of bees. That kind of attack rate is not even near L19-L28 normal mob stats.

Maybe some special boss mob spawns here and there after x amount of mobs killed in the area. Like Mutant or Mutated (whatever it's called) Swamplurker that is still weaker than the rest of them. Would be nice to kill some giant Crystal Pede or Scout Bot from time to time.
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Well-Known Member
i kinda of like this idea but... are not the mobs supposed to be changing based on which is hunted and which is not hunted. i actually prefer the idea of most mobs being dynamic and having to explore and see the changes after each vu since it keeps things fresh and interesting.
Each dynamic upgrade might introduce a new maturity , yes your spot on with that.. But some mobs need changes otherwise there is very little chance , we dont want Cyrene to suffer , we want it to flourish and the developers at least give us launching pad in the species, I think Rhino Beetles and Chang have been hunted well enough to get an upgrade sooner than later, Living Vortex will never become popular unless there is a lower maturity, they are just too damn hard. Sky Wraiths and Sea Wraiths need changing cause there is a mission for the sea ones and its so annoying hunting amongst the noob challenge mobs, and some are hard and shouldnt be in the noob challenge area (~Level 17 ones).

I only indicated the mobs that need a launch pad, ones that are rarely hunted and ones that are hunted alot now Rhino Beetles even for my level are so diffucult to hunt in Angel I understand they have a defence rating of 73, but its way out of the average hunters even veteran hunters. We do like big HP mobs but with high defence ratings the armor decay is immense. (I shouldnt have included dusters but i did cause they need a work on) The higher the defence rating the better the MU i understand, but High HP lower defence level rating, would work better, have an uber alternative area to satisfy the high evade/dodge/avoidence hunters (already discussed with Kris, this is for the community) but having medium levels and killpoint challenges for an extra challenge other than just kill X mobs.

Hunting these mobs require awfully high defence rating therefore resulting in massive armor decay for skilled/veteran hunters

Guardian Mang Change (Defense Rating ~60-65 evade/6k-6.5k avoidence)
Mature Rhino Beetle (Defense Rating ~70-75 evade/7k-7.5k avoidence)
Living Vortex (Defense Rating ~65-70 evade/6.5-7k avoidence)
Zeladoth Xi (Defense Rating ~60-70 evade/6.0-6.5k avoidence)
Old Stalker Panleon (Defence Rating ~65-70 evade/6.5-7k avoidence)
Prowler / Old Prowler / Stalker Panleon (Defence Rating ~60-65 evade/6.0-6.5k Avoidence)
Guardian Empis Wasp (Defence Rating 58-62 evade/5.8-6.2k avoidance)
Dominant Empis Wasp (Defence Rating 60-65 evade/6.0-6.5k avoidance)
Red Molten Golems (Defence Rating 68-72 evade/6.8-7.2k avoidance)

As I say better off having Higher HP and mid range defensive rating (average skilled hunter has 40-50 defensive rating)
until you unlock Quickness which effects your defensive rating (Unlocks at 55 Evade and 55 Dodge) - these mobs will result in massive armor decay bills and are virtually unhuntable for the average skilled/veteran player. And Uber players wont hunt them cause there defensive rating is right but there HP is too low to warrant decent MU Value loots, along with them being mixed in with lower level rating mobs, Ubers like to grind , no mob on Cyrene at this stage can be grinded (excpet Rhino Beetle), bring back single maturity spawns. Ones sutiable for various levels of hunters from the unskilled to skilled maturity spawn and the veteran/skilled spawn and the uber skilled spawn

With low HP and higher defense rating even for teams makes it hard. cause hardly any except the rhino beetle at this stage is worth teaming on (not mentioning Wiles because its already been mentioned btw.)

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Well-Known Member
thanks for going into the amount of detail that you did. really helps give some perspective to me a player at amuch lower level ;).

i can barely solo mature mangs but can team hunt them in a small team. i think having a few lower level maturities for low level to mid level player to team hunt semi easily will really help get more people here and increase the social aspect of the planet as we try to find people to hunt with. not to mention get more socs on planet.

gotta say again great post. thanks for going into the detail that you did, had to take some thought and time much appreciated :D


Active Member
Good suggestions :)

In addition to the Duster "family" :
There is a Duster Leader (level 13) appearing occasionnally in Duster Raider/Fighter spawn.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Great thread Agis!

I'll be watching and reading the community replies =)

Thanks everyone for helping my Cyrene great!



There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Nothing wrong with a mean critter here and there, but even the Levi has a tiny version. I agree - A creature
should have a spread from one to the next. All creatures should have a maturity rating across the entire board. Not necessarily all in the same spot mind you, but somewhere they should breed Weaks and Tiny as well as the Oh my god it killed me by looking at me maturities.

From what I've seen and tested over the time since they introduced Maturity levels, They are a guideline to how bad arse a critter could be. Not saying that a Weak Levi doesn't hit hard, it just has less health and armor punch than the god's gift to death dealing levels.

From what I am seeing on Cyrene, it's not the incredible oversight of the range of creatures so much as if you are going to put that kind of Oomph to be hunted; you need the armor and weapons to do so.

Unless you want people traveling to Calypso and spending their PED there to get the armor and weapons needed to hunt on Cyrene (Which I will not touch on how people would just not come back since they can hunt on Caly with those weapons with much more ease) you need to have the over view of the entire ecosystem. Creature vs Hunter Gear, Minerals vs Locations, Ingredients vs Blue Prints. All of these base points need to be examined and weighed.

Once again: This is not some MMORPG game. It's real life in a make believe world. (easiest description I can use) There are no 'quests' in real life, there's no glory and gold around a corner. This game treats the players like life treats the normal masses: like a red headed step child. Take that as a thought process when building for this environment and you won't be too far off the target.

So what does that rant have to do with Creature Maturities?
Not much in the short perspective, but had it been used in the development cycle at the creation time - a ton.

Creature Maturities are a spread - there should be a noticed difference from a Weak and Young, not enough to make a person go "OH CRAP!" but enough to see a difference. Even more so from a Mature, Old and so on.

Goodness did I just go off on a wild tangent , sorry about that. Let's review the relevant facts:
  1. Creatures should have all maturity levels, weakest to the mightiest. This has nothing to do with how hard or WHAT they hit you with. Think of it more like a 'multiplier' for health and damage dealt.
  2. Maturities should not be just a name slapped on a creature: If the Adult has the same health as the Ravengers, hunters will never hunt the upper levels other than for kicks. Easier kills for less decay and same rewards. Loot is not tied to a maturity level in that sense.
  3. Your balance of weapons/armor must meet the demand of the environment. Relying on people to fly back and forth (which is risky in game as well as out) is a gamble. No one wants to risk loots to the thieves, or have to pay to travel for a hunt they could do right next to the purchase area.
  4. You can spread out maturities to different areas, or fan them in one location.
  5. Engage people with variety of attacks vs just maturities. Angel/Shadow Armor will cough a hairball on a heavy electric attack, making it paper mache. This can make some creatures 'harder' but still within hunting be balancing out damage, etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Thank you to the community for your input , very happy most of the proposals our community has laid out to the developers has been approved , happy VU hopefully for the 18th ..cheers:)


New Member
I really don't like the tendency of upgrading maturity in some spawns. Fortunatelly, it's not the case for all. I mean, if i go to hunt, example given, horned birds young-adult with a bit of heroism in challenging a provider, I am not exactly after alphas. When all mobs in that spawn upgrade to provider (say 30 mins after the start) it's simply time for me to pack and go.

Or random spicy mobs like Duster Clan Leader (L55) in a spawn of L12 and L14. It's silly.
An Old Tide Claw (1k hp) in the middle of youngs and matures let's say is ok and doable with bit of effort, but when the gap increases between regular and special spawn, it's not so fun.

Also somebody take out that strong sky wraith spawning in noob challenge area, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is this bosses are designed for a team hunting party, dont shoot them if you dont have a team. They dont agro - dont shoot them


When the first Duster Clan Leader spawned i had to try it out.
Found out it's way over my evade level, hits almost every time, with ~100 through Jaguar+6B. Running back from revival i decide it's not worth the hassle, gotta turret it.
So i tag it and run to the TP (Inner Turrelion Outpost)... only to find out there's no turret! Looks like this fella feels at home there, walks among the terminals like trying to figure out should he craft something or take a look at auction first? :D
Luckily, it indeed has pretty low aggro, although it stood right next to revival i could easily drag it away again. Duh! No complaints, i like to be surprised (listed under "entertaining" in my book). :)

The duster AI needs some tweaking thou, bigger ones keep pushing u around, makes healing a little tricky.


Anyone knows where the Tide Claw and Fierce Tide Claw went after VU? They were the best source of animal eye oil, but in the old place at Stone Fires LA there's only small ones now (Mature, loots muscle oil), Base Camp Oak has huge ones (L5x something) and the spawn N from (old) Hunting Ground TP has disappeared.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
When the first Duster Clan Leader spawned i had to try it out.
Found out it's way over my evade level, hits almost every time, with ~100 through Jaguar+6B. Running back from revival i decide it's not worth the hassle, gotta turret it.
So i tag it and run to the TP (Inner Turrelion Outpost)... only to find out there's no turret! Looks like this fella feels at home there, walks among the terminals like trying to figure out should he craft something or take a look at auction first? :D
Luckily, it indeed has pretty low aggro, although it stood right next to revival i could easily drag it away again. Duh! No complaints, i like to be surprised (listed under "entertaining" in my book). :)

The duster AI needs some tweaking thou, bigger ones keep pushing u around, makes healing a little tricky.


Anyone knows where the Tide Claw and Fierce Tide Claw went after VU? They were the best source of animal eye oil, but in the old place at Stone Fires LA there's only small ones now (Mature, loots muscle oil), Base Camp Oak has huge ones (L5x something) and the spawn N from (old) Hunting Ground TP has disappeared.

Try East-SE of the beach around city of janus, there's a massive spawn of low lvl tide claws.


If mature loots muscle, the young is certainly useless as well.
Still looking for the Tide Claw maturity (whatever it is), that now loots eye oil!


Fate Thanatos Themis
If mature loots muscle, the young is certainly useless as well.
Still looking for the Tide Claw maturity (whatever it is), that now loots eye oil!

oil type drop is mob level related, im not sure atm but fro eye oil it was 8-14 lev i guess. some mobs drop items in globals instead of oil tho. i looted alot of eye oil yesterday on merfolken spearman gladiators, S from supply depot


for eye oil it was 8-14 lev i guess.
Sounds about right. So it's prolly Old...Guardian range in the new Tide Claw maturities ladder. Now only have to find where those are hiding. :secret:

Or... maybe the spawn at Stone Fires is dynamic? There was just one Old after i killed a handful, maybe if u keep going the spawn would eventually start to roll out more Olds, and then switches to Prov/Guard?
If it works that way, would be really cool. Hmmm, that's an idea, have to test this when i get home.

Anyway, if someone has spotted a "natural spawn" of Tide Claw Provider (plus-minus a level), gimme a shout.

Thanx in advance!


Fate Thanatos Themis
Sounds about right. So it's prolly Old...Guardian range in the new Tide Claw maturities ladder. Now only have to find where those are hiding. :secret:

Or... maybe the spawn at Stone Fires is dynamic? There was just one Old after i killed a handful, maybe if u keep going the spawn would eventually start to roll out more Olds, and then switches to Prov/Guard?
If it works that way, would be really cool. Hmmm, that's an idea, have to test this when i get home.

Anyway, if someone has spotted a "natural spawn" of Tide Claw Provider (plus-minus a level), gimme a shout.

Thanx in advance!

respawns are not that dynamic :p if u hunt olds, and it spawns provider, it will most likely spawn old again, after u kill provider.

a spawn with tides provider is on the beach N from Base Camp Gamma, the far N shore of entire map, close to ruins.