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Hey all, this might seem like a silly question but how do you make the compounds to enter the hunting caves? is there a bp needed or at the byrd terminal and if so where is it if someone doesn't mind helping out. I've looked through the forum and might have missed something nad have been running around looking for the terminal.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
There used to be a (bugged) blueprint for the Zorn Compound, which seems to have vanished from the blueprint terminal. The VU notes now says "combine recipes", so probably something you would have to put into a refiner tool.


Hey Curd i did try the refiner (should of mentioned that in my op) but it wouldn't accept the flesh for compound A, didn't bother trying the other 2 though, will try them when i log back in, ty for the reply :)


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
50 Zorn Ingots and and 50 Vibrant Sweat should make 1 Zorn Compound A, according to the refiner display. When you click "refine" nothing happens, though.


Yep i knew about that so didnt bother then, the new 1 is 1 flesh 50 sweat to get into the panelon hunting cave off the top of my head have to head off to work in a minute or 2 so havent got time to log back in and check.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Yep i knew about that so didnt bother then, the new 1 is 1 flesh 50 sweat to get into the panelon hunting cave off the top of my head have to head off to work in a minute or 2 so havent got time to log back in and check.
How would I able to get some flesh if I can't access the cave without the Zorn Compound?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Yeah there's an issue with the compounds right now, we're looking in to what caused these issues, but the plan for the Mini Patch is to have it be as blueprints and not refinements.

I'm not sure if there's a way these refinements can work currently, as we're patching and see what's broken we're also working towards a permanent fix. If one can't be found then we'll just remove the fee until the next VU.



How would I able to get some flesh if I can't access the cave without the Zorn Compound?
Hi Curd, from entropia wiki http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=Material&id=1868, although the drops havent been confirmed for awhile by the looks of things, i've only looted 2 in the time i have been on cyrene but i honestly cant remember from what, last was quite awhile ago, if they are required for entry to cave maybe Kris and the team could confirm the mobs and maybe up the drop rate or add to more mobs or both.
Big hint here Kris lol ;)


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Thank you. For some inexplicable reason I thought flesh would drop from the cavernous mobs. I saw I even have some in storage, but I don't remember where it came from.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Hi Curd, from entropia wiki http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=Material&id=1868, although the drops havent been confirmed for awhile by the looks of things, i've only looted 2 in the time i have been on cyrene but i honestly cant remember from what, last was quite awhile ago, if they are required for entry to cave maybe Kris and the team could confirm the mobs and maybe up the drop rate or add to more mobs or both.
Big hint here Kris lol ;)

I'd like to clear this up here, I don't know why exactly that it talks about flesh, there will be no flesh required =P

The mats are designed to be able to be harvested from all levels of players (for the mini patch) and will consist of a combination of:
Zorn Star Ingots, Animal Muscle Oil, Vibrant Sweat & Pleak Wings

These will be used in crafting blueprints for the Byrd Terminal + Hunter's Cavern entrance fees.

We'll be working to incorporate old component BPs and create a few new ones for loot that isn't used much/at all on Cyrene to fill in those gaps in a meaningful way.



Hey guys,

I'd like to clear this up here, I don't know why exactly that it talks about flesh, there will be no flesh required =P

The mats are designed to be able to be harvested from all levels of players (for the mini patch) and will consist of a combination of:
Zorn Star Ingots, Animal Muscle Oil, Vibrant Sweat & Pleak Wings

These will be used in crafting blueprints for the Byrd Terminal + Hunter's Cavern entrance fees.

We'll be working to incorporate old component BPs and create a few new ones for loot that isn't used much/at all on Cyrene to fill in those gaps in a meaningful way.


It's disappointing that you've missed the opportunity to stimulate some markup on hunting loot, and instead have chosen to further incentivise grinding a 10 HP mob for an item that already has high markup. What is the point of that?

I prefer the refining idea to the crafting one as well. Crafting is good for (relatively) high volume or high TT items. It's not good for low TT items that will be used one at a time.


It's disappointing that you've missed the opportunity to stimulate some markup on hunting loot, and instead have chosen to further incentivise grinding a 10 HP mob for an item that already has high markup. What is the point of that?

I prefer the refining idea to the crafting one as well. Crafting is good for (relatively) high volume or high TT items. It's not good for low TT items that will be used one at a time.

Thanks for the update Kris, glad it's been cleared up but i have to agree with Oleg on this.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
It's disappointing that you've missed the opportunity to stimulate some markup on hunting loot, and instead have chosen to further incentivise grinding a 10 HP mob for an item that already has high markup. What is the point of that?

I prefer the refining idea to the crafting one as well. Crafting is good for (relatively) high volume or high TT items. It's not good for low TT items that will be used one at a time.

Hey Oleg!

When it comes to hunting and crafting there isn't a one size fits all solution. However, the material from pleaks used for these "Byg Byrd" keys goes hand and hand as its the same species of creature. You're correct as we've been slacking on finding more use for current and other Cyrene specific items. This is something we've been working on for a while and will hope to have more crafting phases out.



Hey Oleg!

When it comes to hunting and crafting there isn't a one size fits all solution. However, the material from pleaks used for these "Byg Byrd" keys goes hand and hand as its the same species of creature. You're correct as we've been slacking on finding more use for current and other Cyrene specific items. This is something we've been working on for a while and will hope to have more crafting phases out.


This response gives me no confidence that you have grasped the point of anything I am saying.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Let me try to add some clarification to this:

It's disappointing that you've missed the opportunity to stimulate some markup on hunting loot, and instead have chosen to further incentivise grinding a 10 HP mob for an item that already has high markup. What is the point of that?

So this is a bit bigger than just this small crafting part for the key, so try and bear with me.

Ideally, there will be uses for every loot (which is something that we've always tried to do and have attempted to improve upon over the years) of the items available on Cyrene for crafting, hunting is far and away the most sought after of the loot.

While there was some success for the textures thanks to some of the more fashionable Entropians, the majority of mining materials are behind any general hunting loot in terms of usage.

I also feel that pleak wings, which were designed to be a good source of income for newer players and lower level players, may have not been the right choice here, perhaps another low-level creature drop can be better used (of course there's time to adjust this, and due to the swift nature of the Mini Patch did we not add on the fee to go into the caverns) so the blueprint can be adjusted for the future.

The super short answer is: trying to find better usages for mining loot that hunters can use, which then in turn will get them loot items that crafters will need along with ores and enmatters.

I prefer the refining idea to the crafting one as well. Crafting is good for (relatively) high volume or high TT items. It's not good for low TT items that will be used one at a time.

I think it's very common to see on Cyrene that a lot of the items are combines, and I think that there's merit to having simple combines for crafting like this.

However aren't a lot of components, which are technically used one time in other blueprints in a similar fashion to this? The issue is because these are consumed versus being used later down the line? (I'm not trying to question, I'm trying to understand this difference from a player point of view).

When it comes to hunting and crafting there isn't a one size fits all solution. However, the material from pleaks used for these "Byg Byrd" keys goes hand and hand as its the same species of creature. You're correct as we've been slacking on finding more use for current and other Cyrene specific items. This is something we've been working on for a while and will hope to have more crafting phases out.

If I can elaborate a little bit about what my cohort replied here. The short version is that there's no silver bullet to crafting (and we've looked). While in the short term, yes, the current new blueprints (3 of them) do not meet the needs of hunters, that doesn't mean we don't have plans to better utilize all hunting loot (as well as mining loot) in future recipes.

The point of it is that we've been trying to find things that players can craft, that they want to craft, that feels good to craft, and everyone can benefit from that ecosystem. However implementing this has been more difficult from a development side, especially in a game like Entropia Universe where it needs to be balanced.

The developers of planet Cyrene and I think the players are playing on Cyrene want the same thing: meaningful crafting for the items available on planet/good usage and markup for their loot, which is something that we're working towards with MindArk, however the process has been quite slow (from the developer side as well).



However aren't a lot of components, which are technically used one time in other blueprints in a similar fashion to this? The issue is because these are consumed versus being used later down the line? (I'm not trying to question, I'm trying to understand this difference from a player point of view).

My point is that nobody is likely to want to do long crafting runs on these items, because they're unlikely to be able to sell them in large volumes. The commonly crafted components can be sold in large volumes because the buyer needs a lot of them to make other items - even if it's only one per click, they are making a lot of clicks.

In this case the final product is going to be used quite slowly. Even if someone if endlessly doing these instances over and over again, they're going to be using the "keys" very slowly - perhaps one per hour at most. The TT value of them is so low that even if you bought hundreds of them in one go, it's only a few PED. Nobody is going to be buying 100 PED of these things in one go, so there's not really any point in crafting them in bulk, because nobody will want them in an amount that makes them worth selling.

What will happen instead (especially when the blueprints are freely available from the TT) is that people who want them will just make their own, so while it might have a small impact on the markup of the ingredients, it doesn't truly stimulate crafting or trade of crafted goods. In order to do that, you need to have blueprints that will be clicked by specialist crafters in order to sell on to other people who want to use them, in sufficient bulk that it is worthwhile listing the items on the auction.