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Crash ingame, and login prob


New Member
Hello everybody,

Since the lasts VU's, I had the message "didn't shutdown normaly" each time I was lauching Entropia.
But I was abble to go in game and play (ok and send report crash)...

But monday, I was on Cyrene, at the Waterfall perimeter TP, and there were a lot of avatars for the Holly Jelly, caused lot of lag. So I took teleporter to go elsewhere. Big problem : I was in process of teleportation when the crash hapenned :(
Since this moment, I can't log on anymore :
Just after I've entered my login and password, during the loading page, I've always the same error : System shut down anormaly, and crash systematically.

I tried reboot my computer,
Then, to repair, by the tool,
Lauch as Safe mode,
I have all unstalled EU and re-installed,
I tried on the lap top on my friend (who play at this game too) : I ve exactly the same error than on my computer.

So, the problem don't come from my systems, but seems to be a big bug when I crashed from the world.

I've sent 2 Supports case (monday afternoon and and thuesday morning), but none is readed at time I write theses words, always no answer from MA :(
Where is the Santa Claus ? :p

I'm sad to past Christmas without my friends, I think a lot to them, and I hope to be abble to come back in game soon.

I wish you all a Merry Christymas anyway :xmas:

EDIT : Yay:woohoo:, MA support replaced my avatar to an another tp, working now ^^

EDIT 2 : No yay... Same problem today...:(
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Active Member
I have the same problem today. I wanted to go to ARC Camp Gamma for the daily merfoelken mission. Took the teleporter from Supply Depot and when I was in the teleportation process the game crashed. I tryied to log back in, but with no luck. Run the Repair Tool, nothing found. Whats happening ?


New Member
I' dont know what happened.
All I know, there is 4 days now I sent the support to deplace my avatar to another TP, but I've none answers...
Maybe they work on the problem :bowdown:

We are not alone, and not only one but well...

It's begin annoying :banghead:


Active Member
I manage to enter ingame. Did 2 repairs, then a PC restart, but couldnt log in, waited 30 mins and tryied again and it worked.