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Cyreans society 1 year anniversary event, April 2nd


Happy belated Birthday!! :clap:

Really gutted I couldnt make it. Especially when I had loads of fun with Justine, Raveness, Majstorex and more peeps at The Duke Wave earlier yesterday.

God how I hate when RL gets in the way of good gaming. :(

Hope all went according to plan and everyone had a blast. From what I hear people really enjoyed themselves and thats what its all about.

I'm with Justine, we should try to have an event at least once a month. The Duke for example is a ton of fun. More events are very welcome and I will gladly take part if possible.

Hope next year's event will be even better peeps. :dancinggirls::shots::cheer::cheer:


Well-Known Member
I'm with Justine, we should try to have an event at least once a month. The Duke for example is a ton of fun. More events are very welcome and I will gladly take part if possible.

Hope next year's event will be even better peeps. :dancinggirls::shots::cheer::cheer:

I have one idea for the next month, an event in the proving ground :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to be clear on this:

Why bother going to all that trouble when the devs will just spawn loads of them on demand?

While it was a lot of impromptu fun for everyone to hunt the elusive Empis Wasp Queen, I'm already talking with Lilmc about setting up special mobs that would ONLY be for events like that. I think the fact that so many were spawned (which I think ended up being less than 80, but I'll have to check the reports again) made players more excited to be able to spawn the Empis Wasp Queen themselves.



Yeah, I did it. So what?
ohh man,, Slice is gonna be soooooooooo pissed that she missed this :p.. Hope you all had fun with it.