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Cyreans Society 2nd year anniversary event april 2nd


Active Member

Hi everyone :) It is that time of the year again... Our dedicated Cyrene society have reached its 2 year anniversary, and we all are very happy to invite you all to our second birthday.

Society have proven itself to be a healthy group of active players on all levels, and together with all the cyrene players we are struggling hard to survive on this planet..

Event starts sunday, April 2nd at 1900 MA-time,
and will last until 2200 MA-time

We will meet at supply depot at 1900 MA-time.. Here we could divide into groups.. There is a good chance that we will get help from the old cyrene gods to spawn mobs for us.. if not, then we have possibility to spawn them ourself ;) If so then we will make shared loot teams and get the cyrene ATH ;)

This is main event. There will also be a smaller event for the low level players only.. This will be announced in cyrene chat during the event, and will be limited to the avatars with agility between 15-45. rewards here will be sweet :)

Later, when the event is closing to the end, there will be afterparty at our Super Secret Special Soc Station (sssss). this area can be a little tricky to reach, but we will try to help everyone to enter :)

Hope you will come and put your smileyface on ;)

Best regards

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Sorry I wasn't able to make it, I'm glad that Lilmc was able to step up in my place and help make it a memorable anniversary!




Forum is not only for complaining, it is also a place where credit should be given when credit is due.

Unfortunatly I was not able to make the event due to RL commitments. Nevertheless I was able to follow the massacre at Suply Depot through Sokolade´s stream on Twitch.

Great job on the new mob and awesome event. Everyone seemed to be realy enjoying themselves.

Congratulations to Cyreans Soc. Well done to Lilmc for getting involved and making it an awesome event. The Cyrene mob wave was great, a parade of some of Cyrene finest mobs...just awesome. :)


Active Member
I am very happy it turned out great this year also :) Cyrene DOES have the greatest ppl for sure ;) Thanks to lilmc that did everything he could to enter as soon as he was able. you all were very patient, and we had a nice hunt on lazidols, i think it was close to 100 lazidols killed ;) Wave event was fun and we were able to kill the duke before timeout aswell ;)

Good job to everyone!!!

best regards