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Cyrene Booth #2 - Cyrene supply depot


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.


Here some screenshots :

Entropia 2021-09-19 20.30.56.png Entropia 2021-09-19 20.31.13.png Entropia 2021-09-19 20.31.29.pngEntropia 2021-10-11 19.16.16.png

You can now buy pills, strongbox, cheap weapons, Cyrene's components and damage enhancers


If someone need something, contact me and i'll stock the shop for you. I'll put same price as shops from Calypso. No more fees from the auction and/or from delivery, cheers !

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hello everyone,
today i received the deed for this booth.


Here some screenshots :

View attachment 3880 View attachment 3881 View attachment 3882 View attachment 3883

You can now buy pills, strongbox, weapons and Cyrene's components for yours daily crafting missions.

I'll add more later, give me time to gather items :dance:

If someone need something, contact me and i'll stock the shop for you. I'll put same price as shop from Calypso. No more fees from the auction and/or from delivery, cheers !


I saw your booth in-game, it looks awesome! :yay::beerchug:


Well-Known Member
About freaking time we got shops on our planet!

Congrats on the booth!

If you have a few item points to spare, D-class amp is wanted item, they're often lacking on AH.

Ok noted, will check that this week end :)


Well-Known Member
Update 21 september 2021

Added new shop screenshots in forum
Added a shopkeeper with weapon damage enhancers ! Restocked every days.

come to visit the shop :)

Stack by x10 and x20, if you need more, contact me in game : Justine Justine Titine
I'm in player register.
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