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Cyrene chat channels


Well-Known Member
a list of Cyrene channels. will be kept up to date as channels are created and shared.

for hub info and match making.

general cyrene chat

cyrene trade

...more to come...

some basic commands taken from vu notes

  • /join (or /j) - Join a public custom channel
  • /kick (or /k)
    - Kick someone out of a private custom channel.
  • /leave (or /l) - Leave a custom channel.
  • /listmembers - Lists all members of a custom channel.
    • /unmute (or /um)
      - unmutes a muted member of a private custom channel.
    • /unmuteall - Unmutes all muted members of a private custom channel.
  • /listmuted - Lists all muted members of a private custom channel.
  • /mute (or /m)
    - Mute a member of a private custom channel.
dont hesitate to share channels and any ideas to improve this thread :)
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
There is also #hub which seems more simple than #thehub considering there is no #thecyrene :p
Just my OCD I guess though lol.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'd like to stress that, as far as I know, these chat channels are all player made and not made by any official or otherwise.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Yea I figured the same. Thanks for confirming my 10% doubt. Although the one exception applied to #rocktropia which is owned by Neverdie, an active player of the game who registered his own channel asap. I realize this makes Cyrene or kris sound bad but keep in mind only and only Neverdie did this not even mindark.