Greetings Cyreneans
Update : after careful consideration I have adjusted the collectors fee to 125.00% to make the service cover many things (guns , armor , stackables etc..)
Starting August , I have decided to start yet another initative to help Cyreneans out
Using my knowledge of the Cyrene Planet I will be starting a collection service
There are no contracts, no obligations if you change your mind, and on the collectors side he/she cannot guarantee all requests, cause the loot system is of course unpredictable as well as his/her time and activities on Cyrene.
If you wish to request any items just post in this thread , come back every so often as i may have what your looking for.
This thread is open to the whole Cyrene Community and not just myself.
Cyrene Community Collection Service Rules of Conduct
* A Flat Collectors Fee of ~125.00% of Trade Terminal Value
( I think this is to be a fair price for any products offered by the Collection Service )
* Community is restricted to one reply per account ONLY
( You may choose to edit your post anytime you wish with Requests/Feedback or Items you offer through this service )
* No Flaming/Complaining on Set Prices and NO Overcharging Ingame
( If you want to sell your items higher than ~125% use the Selling Area of this Forum, this is a community benefit scheme and not for profiteering )
* No Obligation to Purchase or Supply Requests, No Obligation to sell if you dont want to
(just make sure you delete item as soon as you can from your post if you change your mind about selling, This is an open market and not an auction, please edit your post as quick as possible when an item is sold through this service )
* This service is a Flat Rate Service and does not go by Market Value !
* Any Collection Service Items are allowed in the Ingame Auction, However they must have a buyout of ~125.00% TT
* ALL community members posting in this thread must list there Avatar Full Name in the post, so players ingame can contact them at the 1x01 Supply Depot or through the player register.
I hope other avatars take part in this community initative - try to keep your posts brief and to the point, but nevertheless i will have many nice items up in the Collection Service. I will set up my post template I hope others will do something similar
Moderator please make sure there are no double posts from same accounts ..ty
Have fun selling in this open community market, I hope it gets popular for benefit of all cyreneans - cheers
Update : after careful consideration I have adjusted the collectors fee to 125.00% to make the service cover many things (guns , armor , stackables etc..)
Starting August , I have decided to start yet another initative to help Cyreneans out
Using my knowledge of the Cyrene Planet I will be starting a collection service
There are no contracts, no obligations if you change your mind, and on the collectors side he/she cannot guarantee all requests, cause the loot system is of course unpredictable as well as his/her time and activities on Cyrene.
If you wish to request any items just post in this thread , come back every so often as i may have what your looking for.
This thread is open to the whole Cyrene Community and not just myself.
Cyrene Community Collection Service Rules of Conduct
* A Flat Collectors Fee of ~125.00% of Trade Terminal Value
( I think this is to be a fair price for any products offered by the Collection Service )
* Community is restricted to one reply per account ONLY
( You may choose to edit your post anytime you wish with Requests/Feedback or Items you offer through this service )
* No Flaming/Complaining on Set Prices and NO Overcharging Ingame
( If you want to sell your items higher than ~125% use the Selling Area of this Forum, this is a community benefit scheme and not for profiteering )
* No Obligation to Purchase or Supply Requests, No Obligation to sell if you dont want to
(just make sure you delete item as soon as you can from your post if you change your mind about selling, This is an open market and not an auction, please edit your post as quick as possible when an item is sold through this service )
* This service is a Flat Rate Service and does not go by Market Value !
* Any Collection Service Items are allowed in the Ingame Auction, However they must have a buyout of ~125.00% TT
* ALL community members posting in this thread must list there Avatar Full Name in the post, so players ingame can contact them at the 1x01 Supply Depot or through the player register.
I hope other avatars take part in this community initative - try to keep your posts brief and to the point, but nevertheless i will have many nice items up in the Collection Service. I will set up my post template I hope others will do something similar
Moderator please make sure there are no double posts from same accounts ..ty
Have fun selling in this open community market, I hope it gets popular for benefit of all cyreneans - cheers