Cyrene Creature List
Syntax: Name (specification) - type / Location
All info is currently derived from Cyrene Wiki, Entropia Planets and related sources and will be updated accordingly.
Syntax: Name (specification) - type / Location
- Acacia Rebirth Corps (A.R.C.) - human
- Armored Whiskerfish - sea creature
- Bile Jellyworm - swamp mutant
- Dust Devil - humanoid
- Duster (Duster Gang) - humanoid / Turrelion Outpost
- Empis - insect
- Fenris (S.O.R.) - humanoid
- Hackfin - sea creature
- Horned Bird - flying animal
- Imperium - human / Janus
- Korok - animal
- Merfolken - humanoid / Sea
- Muckjaw - sea creature
- Paneleon - animal
- Plains Skyshatter Robots - robots
- Razorhorned Whiskerfish - sea creature
- Rhino Beetle - insect
- Skreel - sea creature
- Sons of Remus Acolyte (S.O.R) - humanoid
- Venator (S.O.R.) - robot
- Swamplurker - humanoid
- Tanhok (Zeks Hive) - humanoid / Zekkonian Island, Tanhok'Zis
- Terranix Female - insect
- Terranix Male - insect
- Tide Claws - sea creature
- Tree Dragon - animal
- Turrelion - human / Turrelion Outpost
- Zekkonian (Zeks) - humanoid
- Zelodoth - animal
- Zik (Zeks Hive) - humanoid / Zik'Zis Swamplands
- Zyn'Dos - mutant
All info is currently derived from Cyrene Wiki, Entropia Planets and related sources and will be updated accordingly.