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Cyrene Developers: TP fees on Cyrene

Bakh Baccus

New Member
Dear Kris and Lilmc,

As you might have heard, NeverDie, the non-so popularly elected president has suggested a fee for use of TPs. He justifies the fee by claiming that it ill create more revenue and possible "jobs." http://www.presidentofvirtualreality.com/

My question to you is whether Cyrene, as a planet partner is required to implement his proposal?
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Well-Known Member
This guys is a planet patner and will be our president, its a joke ! And now he will take more taxe from us, we know now, he dont want be the president for players, but he will be a president for planet partner and earn more money...
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey everyone, as for answering this I will need to sit on this to await more details from up the chain as this won't be something I can answer directly.



This thread was started back in April.. has there been any more word on it? Seriously, I am not very fond of Rocktropia and, If I see them charging me to use TP, they will not be seeing me there again, any time soon.
I hope the guys developing Cyrene are smarter than that... Cyrene has huge potentiaal to be the best of the Entropia universe. I believe they are smarter than accepting a "loser" idea like that.
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Iceflame,

This is a topic we're always watching closely, I have no information for any type of TP Fees that will be imposed. However, if this changes the Cyrene Team will do the best we can to notify the community of any changes.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
This thread was started back in April.. has there been any more word on it? Seriously, I am not very fond of Rocktropia and, If I see them charging me to use TP, they will not be seeing me there again, any time soon.
I hope the guys developing Cyrene are smarter than that... Cyrene has huge potentiaal to be the best of the Entropia universe. I believe they are smarter than accepting a "loser" idea like that.
MA ruled its not happening on PCF

Ludvig-MindArk said:
The MindArk management team has reviewed the proposal made by the President of Virtual Reality concerning teleporter fees, and has determined that such a system does not complement the current development plans for Entropia Universe and therefore will not be implemented.

However, the proposal was very interesting, and aspects of it may find their way into future planned systems and features where participants would be more receptive to optional fees that provide enhanced convenience and utility.

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Well-Known Member
There is a TP fee already implemented on cyrene.
You have to posses ARC badges to use vendors TP... and then sad emptiness stab your heart. :D


Sandal San Tolk
anyone able to validate this please? i thought no fees for whole universe
This is a misunderstanding or misnomer, there is no general tp fee. The vendors mentioned are in a sealed-off location which requires acquisition of access rights through the A.R.C. Missions to get to.


Active Member
It is true, however, that there already restricted access to areas of EU via the tp system.

Access rights can be via mission completion in some cases, or payment of a fee (sweat or shrapnel) in other cases, or a certain skill level.
Another option used is having an instance entrance with conditions attached, which is also used for things like vault entry with keys etc.

I guess the difference between the two is who you can or cannot meet up with on the other side (open world or instanced), but certainly we do have an implementation in game already.
However, as stated above, MA appear not to want to expand on the idea for the time being....