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Cyrene Fall 2022 VU Preview

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hey everyone,

We wants to share some of the upcoming new editions and changes to Planet Cyrene that will be in the next Player Partner Version Update.

Doctor Byler and the A.R.C. scientists have been busy rounding up and synthetically creating island biomes of some of the more notorious creatures on the planet. From the Monstrous Jellyworms above to the Wiles down in the depths. Be sure to visit Doctor Byler and see what missions he has in store.


Due to the final removal of the Iron missions, and the full implementation of the CODEX, many A.R.C. mission givers have been sent to other parts of the planet. However, there were several blueprints that exclusively came from these missions that were unavailable during this transition.

Challenger Esther has moved to just outside A.R.C. HQ and will give all players these one time missions for blueprints they may have missed.

Consul Laekces of Rana Haven has been working with Prophet Esk'dano of the Zyn'Tukano to rebuild the native ecosystems of Planet Cyrene, starting with the swamps. Efforts have been made to gather and relocate the swamp lurkers to their new habitat.

Due to the tax trial coming to Carnap’s Landing Land Area after this PPVU, Hazard Mechs of all ranks have also been dropped off in a new location just outside of Carnap’s Landing.

However, there are two new Land Area exclusive maturities of Flesh Rippers available within Carnap’s Landing (young and alpha).

New A.R.C. Faction Terminal Armor Blueprints have been added to the HUB which carry blueprints to craft the Inaugurates, Patrol, and Commander armor as an alternative option.

Within the Tanhok Immigration a new face has appeared, Tanhok Decorator Bur’kys who will have new missions that reward Planet Cyrene furniture blueprints.

Born of chaos a new island was formed after a volcanic eruption. The hostile Molten Golems pushed to the island by the A.R.C. soldiers in efforts of protecting the local wildlife. If players wish to enter the island, players must speak with Teleporter Kibler located near Footwall Islands Teleporter and choose one of five locations throughout the island to teleport to. (All features that were on the lootable pvp Volcano were carried over to be the same on the new lootable pvp Island.)


Finally given full clearance, Zedmore "Zed" Fontaine welcomes in the Stolen Armor trader who players can speak with to UpTrade the Stolen Armor into the Improved Imperial Armor. A full list of what is needed can be found on the trader when interacted with. (Please keep in mind the materials needed will be almost identical to the materials needed in the normal upgrade process.)

The Zyn'Tukano bring offerings to the ever growing locals in the form of their healing crystals. Players can find them located near the sweat circles as well as new maturities of the Tree Dragons which have quickly grown in population, they seem to be perfect for sweating almost as if they’ve evolved to their new environment.


Low Shaman - Spritual Helper of the Zyn'Kimbro has called in Trader Ara'chun to lend aid in way of trade offers but only to those who have proven their valor and tenacity. Players that have killed the Great Sea Beast and hold a Greater Power Crystal will be able to speak with Trader Ara’Chun each week to trade 3 matching Lazidol parts for 1 Lazidol part of the players choosing.


Inside the camp of the 0x101 Supply Depot players that have either the Vigorous Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI, Speedy Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI, or Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI can speak with Caleb to access the mission to upgrade to rank 7.

There’s more in store that is prepped for this VU, however, we’re coordinating the timing of it with MindArk. Once that is set we’ll make new announcement post.

Thank you for reading and thanks for playing on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team
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New Member
plz let us keep the green color if we upgrade the stolen armor
and thanks for not giving up , good news for all stolen owners



Active Member
plz let us keep the green color if we upgrade the stolen armor
and thanks for not giving up , good news for all stolen owners


i made a request like this one and i would love to pay something for this upgrade, idk something that MA/Cyrene team consider worth change the color, and this upgrade to be on display for everyone to chose the colors to and back the upgrade version but not in-between.

like from modified red to stolen green and back if they chose to ( in case the owner is changed meantime and he chose to have red he must pay.... all for a price ofc ), tho to not be possible to change a modified version of armor into purple cause that is for augmented.

Only direct change from the base color to green and back.

let us pay and this way everyone is happy ( tho dont rub us for something that we supposed to have in the first place :p )

cheers !

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

plz let us keep the green color if we upgrade the stolen armor
and thanks for not giving up , good news for all stolen owners

Like most things with the armor these are steps to the final, after the reimplementation of initial phases of the Imperium Armor Upgrade Chain, this was our next step, getting the Stolen Imperium Armor worked into the chain.

It was important to us to get these to things back in place for Planet Cyrene.

Now that this has happened players that want to take their stolen armor and integrate it into the chain can if they choose to.

i made a request like this one and i would love to pay something for this upgrade, idk something that MA/Cyrene team consider worth change the color, and this upgrade to be on display for everyone to chose the colors to and back the upgrade version but not in-between.

like from modified red to stolen green and back if they chose to ( in case the owner is changed meantime and he chose to have red he must pay.... all for a price ofc ), tho to not be possible to change a modified version of armor into purple cause that is for augmented.

Only direct change from the base color to green and back.

let us pay and this way everyone is happy ( tho dont rub us for something that we supposed to have in the first place :p )

This is next in our queue to see what we can do in this regard, I know that a lot of players want to be able to change the colors without it being colorable. It's not a simple matter to do within our current framework but we're looking for a elegant way to achieve this especially in regards to armor tiers.


Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hello everyone, does anyone know the new location of the divine golem?
There is an issue with the spawner, please inbox here on the forums, DM me in-game Cyrene Official Shawna is my avatar, or message me on discord with your play times and I will do my best to be around and spawn one in for you.

Stay safe out there :bye: