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Cyrene June 2015 VU Preview


Active Member
'ello Kris,

maybe is not proper to add in discussion but somehow I see fit to say the fruits we find here on cyrene are in small amounts, I looted 8 or 9 times between 13-17 fruits, and some friends of mine mentioned calypso has a higher rate , even 400 fruits at one time, maybe this can be adjusted a bit whit the patches or in future, we have to buy from other planets or risk bring here the food for our pets.

another small issue I have found during last months was that we don't find weapons for medium+ skilled 50-60 or even more 60-70 lvl players, I barely can find a gun to use beast amp, not to mention dante, and I always have to buy from other plants whit extra shipment cost, enkidd dire s.11 is for beast and is at the edge to be used for dante, and except that one dire s.13 is next one and I haven't seen any looted so far, there's not enough guns for more dmg.

ty & cheers

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

maybe is not proper to add in discussion but somehow I see fit to say the fruits we find here on cyrene are in small amounts, I looted 8 or 9 times between 13-17 fruits, and some friends of mine mentioned calypso has a higher rate , even 400 fruits at one time, maybe this can be adjusted a bit whit the patches or in future, we have to buy from other planets or risk bring here the food for our pets.

This is certainly something we can check out and hopefully adjust for the coming VU / Mini Patch. Thanks for the heads up.

another small issue I have found during last months was that we don't find weapons for medium+ skilled 50-60 or even more 60-70 lvl players, I barely can find a gun to use beast amp, not to mention dante, and I always have to buy from other plants whit extra shipment cost, enkidd dire s.11 is for beast and is at the edge to be used for dante, and except that one dire s.13 is next one and I haven't seen any looted so far, there's not enough guns for more dmg.

We have been trying to add more higher level weapons in out loot pool, I've been working with MA to try and bridge that gap and while I don't know a real fix for this can come for this VU I'll see about a band-aid in the mean time for the Mini Patch.



Active Member
including the Gear Up: New Fap chain along with fixing the parameters of those rewards

Does this include fixing the fap itself? it's useless right now?
Also I have my useless rank 3 one tiered to tier 3, If I trade it in to a rank 4 one, will my tiers be gone?

What about the collecting of clothes, armor pieces? Has that been fixed?

I hope the new content is bugfree and most attention went out to fixing old bugs..
Creating even more bugs will definately kill the hope of whoever still believed in this planet.


New Member
Hey Kris.. i just tryed to put the new cyrene pets in my shop.
Very funny.. 1 pet and my shop is full.. it dont shows the pet deed.


Btw.. thats the places pet.. not the pet spawned.. they are tiny spawned
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Murakalael,

Any fix for older missions? Any fix for half body dragon puny?

Many older missions have been adjusted:

- The following Missions have been adjusted / corrected:
-- Special Mission: Weapon Parts
-- Special Mission: Armor Parts
-- Special Mission: Clothing Pieces
-- Lancers in Need of Salvaging
-- Spears in Need of Salvaging
-- Dragonflys in Need of Salvaging
-- P.I.G.V.s in Need of Salvaging
-- Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 5 - Stage 8
-- Not Quite Complete
-- Hackfin (long john mission)
-- A.R.C. Summoner

As far as the Tree Dragons I'll investigate it.



Hey Kris.. i just tryed to put the new cyrene pets in my shop.
Very funny.. 1 pet and my shop is full.. it dont shows the pet deed.


Btw.. thats the places pet.. not the pet spawned.. they are tiny spawned
Very funny bug indeed, but...

WARNING ppl, don't click the image!
Please juliane don't use spamsites like that one to post your images.
(If u can't upload your files here u can always use calypso forum gallery to post and link images, or some external clean site...)


New Member
Very funny bug indeed, but...

WARNING ppl, don't click the image!
Please juliane don't use spamsites like that one to post your images.
(If u can't upload your files here u can always use calypso forum gallery to post and link images, or some external clean site...)
removed clickable.. dont see why that is a spamsite.. you only get 1 popup and a bit adverticement.. but as you wish.. if i click on the ad image in this editors RTE, i can only ad an url.. and yes .. i could go up and go search for the galery function.. but why not make it easy for users?


Well-Known Member
removed clickable.. dont see why that is a spamsite.. you only get 1 popup and a bit adverticement.. but as you wish.. if i click on the ad image in this editors RTE, i can only ad an url.. and yes .. i could go up and go search for the galery function.. but why not make it easy for users?

It is, there is an 'upload a file' button at the bottom of your textbox?


Oberon NightSeer

I have no idea where that's from but I'm very interested to see it in game.


ola Kris,

That picture was taken on Arkadia, here's a platform that used to be on Cyrene before the major changes last year:
Entropia 2013-01-11 19-12-00-49.jpg

If you'd like a tour of a nice platform, drop me a line. If you've never been 2km up in the sky at one of my parties then you may be in for a nice surprise, the views are stunning!



Oberon NightSeer
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey OberonNightSeer,

If you'd like a tour of a nice platform, drop me a line. If you've never been 2km up in the sky at one of my parties then you may be in for a nice surprise, the views are stunning!

That's very kind of you, I don't know if I'm allowed to leave the planet but when I find out more details I'll let you know.



Well-Known Member
another small issue I have found during last months was that we don't find weapons for medium+ skilled 50-60 or even more 60-70 lvl players, I barely can find a gun to use beast amp, not to mention dante, and I always have to buy from other plants whit extra shipment cost, enkidd dire s.11 is for beast and is at the edge to be used for dante, and except that one dire s.13 is next one and I haven't seen any looted so far, there's not enough guns for more dmg.
Looted few BLP HK rifles level +50 or so. Dropping from some new mobs or so. ;)