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Cyrene Maps


Travelling through time...
Enjoy it while it lasts...

New and improved Cyrene creature and teleporter map. On the right side you can find all NPCs, teleporters and other things with their coordinates.

Map navigation:
Zoom out - Ctrl+Alt+Numpad-
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Search keywords - Ctrl+F

Zoom hot keys work when map or anything in it has been selected.

Alternatively click Zoom button in the toolbar, left mouse button becomes zoom in, right - zoom out.

Cyrene map

Please share your finds so we can have a complete map. :)
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Well-Known Member
awesome work. swamp creepers are on top of the mountain just south of the old-guardian tideclaws almost same spawn. east of the gatherer parton dusters. (126537,89715,122) round abouts


Active Member
Excellent map! Deserves some recognition.... a sticky.... pinned post.... whatever! Maybe even a handshake from the Cyrene team!

Here's a pat on the back from Menace! *pat pat*. You just saved me SO MUCH TIME! Eventually I'll have the spawns memorized as I'm not going anywhere... but this will be excellent for the next few mths! Printing and pinning up above my monitor!

Also... setting as a desktop monitor (as I use 2 monitors) so I always have a map open on one monitor while I'm in-game!

Thanks again!



Travelling through time...
awesome work. swamp creepers are on top of the mountain just south of the old-guardian tideclaws almost same spawn. east of the gatherer parton dusters. (126537,89715,122) round abouts
I will check that spawn today.

I cant find any Young Merfolken SE of the Crystal Garden... Only adult & scout.
It was there when I was. Probably just one or two creatures. That spawn is not that big anyway.

Hello tunerS. If one kills the Weak-SoldierSea Wraith , comes after a while L14 Sea Wraith.
I will check it today.


Well-Known Member
went out and looked all over for the creeper spawn i said was there and could not find it... i found 1 tide claw and 1 creeper... so i guess i was wrong :)?


Travelling through time...
went out and looked all over for the creeper spawn i said was there and could not find it... i found 1 tide claw and 1 creeper... so i guess i was wrong :)?
Actually there is one Swamp Creeper spawning there after every 10 killed Provider Tide Claws. It is L35 mob with around 2800HP if I'm not mistaken. I will add a marker on the map once I get enough changes.
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Active Member
Here are some possible additions to the map - to be checked:

- MuckJaw Alpha, in the sea North of Zyn'Kimbro Village TP
- Adult/Alpha Horned Bird @127970, 81088 (different from the Mature/Adult spawn located @ 127857, 81322)
- Regent Halbird in the Merfolken spawn @ 129510, 85137 (special creature)
- Fenris Dock Guardian in the two Scout Bot 779 spawns (special creature)


New Member
im looking for old jack... i cant seem to find it on the map... am i blind or is he not on there


Active Member
It is true that Old Jack occasionally appears among Old Flesh Rippers, but that does not mean it is a boss mob. No more than a Young Rhino Beetle appearing in a Mature spawn, or a Chaser Sea Wraith in a Majestic spawn.