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Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - December 5th, 2023

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
New Additions:
- The opening of the Rift Cavern at Ice Plateau (Placeholder instance)
– A free to enter dungeon for low level Turrelion Zeladoths and Crystal Pedes

- ALL solo dungeon creatures are no longer shared loot:
– A.R.C. Forward Base - ROOT
– The Cave of Flesh
– Aerithalas
– Hunter’s Cavern (all versions)
– Sky Labs Arret Testing Lab
– Rift Cavern
- Path adjusted near Footwall Islands

Bug Fixes:
- Miscellaneous spelling and formatting corrections
- The following missions have been adjusted to fix errors:
– Arms Merchant - Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P3
– Daily Texture Crafting Challenge - Kayde Barnes

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone.

It looks like Cyrene's Mini Patch didn't go through, we've already alerted MindArk and are waiting to hear more information.
