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Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 17th, 2024

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
- Corrupted Laboratory Instance:
– No vehicles allowed to be spawned within this instance
– Added name suffix for clarity (Base)

- Deeper into the Lab Instance:
– No vehicles allowed to be spawned within this instance
– Mob spawns adjusted to be more “grouped”
– Adjusted Node names for clarity
– Added name suffix for clarity (Adjusted)

- Various text edits and clarifications / corrections
– Added (repeatable) to Rucksack Base / Adjusted missions
– Lady Dumont, the Demure

- Mission Adjustments for the following:
– Faction Loyalty
— Various spelling and typographical errors
— Lady Dumont, the Demure not responding
— Mission gives waypoint to Lady Dumont, the Demure
– Information - Stabilize the Unstable
— Added details about how the Stable Turrelion Assassinator is not planet bound and able to be traded
– Mining Iron Challenge: Olerin - Rank 2
— There was one mining size that was set incorrectly to Lysterium and not Olerin, this has been adjusted

- Text information added to the following items:
– [Garnara’s Interesting Texture Blueprint]
– [Garnara’s Interesting Texture]

- Thunderous Golem now additionally contain universe wide loot and a reduced respawn time
- Adjusted the names of entry and exit teleporters for the Hub for clarity
- Adjusted the map for the Hub
- Adjusted teleporter location on Tans’Ta’Oh Outpost
- Red Molten Golems now have increased mob spawns
- Turrelia Lurker now have a reduced respawn time

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect
- Mission description for Faction Loyalty does not show in the mission log
– In the Corrupted Laboratory the 1st Corrupted Crafting Node is not repeatable, and is being looked into

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.
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– Fixed the the 1st Corrupted Crafting Node to be repeatable
No. It is not fixed, unfortunately. It remains as inactive as it was originally. Only a slightly changed location.
And it was never actively, it was not an one time mission that had to be made repeated. It is never active in general, just like now.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
No. It is not fixed, unfortunately. It remains as inactive as it was originally. Only a slightly changed location.
And it was never actively, it was not an one time mission that had to be made repeated. It is never active in general, just like now.

Thanks Aeolus, I updated the notes, we'll take a another look at it.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Everyone got their first backpack with vehicles... it's too late to remove now. I already have half the components using vehicles... You're fucking over new players and especially the non depositors who farm those for income... you are NOT making the backpack more valuable or rare, just fucking over noobs with this.


No vehicles is really stupid...
The instance is indoor. In this game, you cannot use vehicles indoor. Obviously, it was originally a mistake.
There is no problem for players of any level to kill several small mobs in the first Corrupted Lab (or get into a team), especially now Drill Bots have a valuable loot.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
No offense, but as someone who as completed it, you and me have no right to defend their choice of making it harder, that is just pulling the latter up from under ourselves. You should be fighting for it to remain as easy as it was when you did it, not the opposite.

<3 you Aeolus just saying my opinion, don't get mad craft daddy :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

It's interesting to see the points of view here.

Of course, Aeolus is correct in his assumption:
The instance is indoor. In this game, you cannot use vehicles indoor. Obviously, it was originally a mistake.
There is no problem for players of any level to kill several small mobs in the first Corrupted Lab (or get into a team), especially now Drill Bots have a valuable loot.

I also understand your point as well Rusty, but part of the mission schema and balancing that we do with MindArk is predicated on certain factors, and when that can be bypassed with vehicles it's obviously a problem.

Part of the reason that the instance allows other players inside is the hope of some cooperation in killing the mobs since the nodes are for individual avatars to collect from.

That being said we always appreciate the feedback and take it into account when we create content.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Hey guys,

It's interesting to see the points of view here.

Of course, Aeolus is correct in his assumption:

I also understand your point as well Rusty, but part of the mission schema and balancing that we do with MindArk is predicated on certain factors, and when that can be bypassed with vehicles it's obviously a problem.

Part of the reason that the instance allows other players inside is the hope of some cooperation in killing the mobs since the nodes are for individual avatars to collect from.

That being said we always appreciate the feedback and take it into account when we create content.

Then make a choice, super slow respawn or not. Originally, the instance was fine for that, then you upped the spawn as people wanted to hunt there, ruining that whole part of the team aspect.

Again with this update, you put WAY to many more mobs in the new instance, ruining that aspect as well. Make up your mind! Are we meant to hunt in there with a F spam afk like other instances? Or are we meant to clear it so noobs can run through? It can't be both...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
This whole dungeon is truly fucked now. Can't even properly hunt in it with the density. The only people who can get the caches now are ubers who won't waste their time doing some chump mission for a few hundred ped to resell, meaning no one gettting the new backpack except the few ubers who waste time doing it for themselves but refuse to repeat it again to sell the item....

Did MA FORCE YOU to fix the vehicle bug? They allowed the bug through in the first place, balancing intention or not, it was in the game, why not just leave it? Why waste time to fix a bug that made it better for everyone?

Myself and everyone I have spoken to other than Aeolus here is extremely dissapointed with ALL the changes you've done to the dungeon, increased spawn rate, increased spawn itself, and removal of vehicles...
Go back to square one and think... if this dungeon meant to HUNT in, or is it meant to do the caches, and focus on one.
You try to make hunting better and fuck up the caches, we can these same mobs hunt elsewhere...
Don't fuck up the caches for a few botters...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I am glad I didn't make my series for new players yet either, you ruined that whole thing by implementing content and changing it after the fact...

I don't care what the balancing team intended, you allowed vehicles in there for months, and many people completed it that way. It is too late to try to change that. ALL FOR AN UNTRADEABLE EQUIP TOO? MIGHT RUIN ITS VALUE? SMH ITS UNTRADEABLE... Guides were being written about using vehicles in there...

To be 100% clear I am more mad you fucked over all the new players, than myself or anything else. This was a great mission for non depositors that keeps getting nerfed and nerfed to make it harder and harder by increasing density, increasing spawn rate, and reducing mobility. Next we will have to only walk in there with run disabled I bet...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Also, bug report:

- Adjusted the names of entry and exit teleporters for the Hub for clarity

Both are called the same still causing confusion, you renamed them both to the same name! LOL :p
One should be named entrance and one exit would solve that.


I can't kill Thunderous Golem. This is unfair! Please reduce their to 50-100 HP, as well as the required killpoints in the quest to 1-3!
I mean that not all content must be available for zero newcomers. Otherwise, what is the incentive for growth and increased skills in the game?
If I can’t afford some quests for some reason, I do not fulfill them.
Any quests are not obligatory - these are just options in a giant Universe. No one forces them to do.
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New Member
well, now all the mobs are gathered at the stairs, from the 51's all the way down to 15's. even found 15's on the top floor lmao. Can we get Boots of Illusion from Diablo 3, so we can at least get to the stairs ?


well, now all the mobs are gathered at the stairs, from the 51's all the way down to 15's. even found 15's on the top floor lmao. Can we get Boots of Illusion from Diablo 3, so we can at least get to the stairs ?
Do not go to the public instance. Create your own (make a team before entering), then no one will interfere.