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Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 17th, 2024

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I can't kill Thunderous Golem. This is unfair! Please reduce their to 50-100 HP, as well as the required killpoints in the quest to 1-3!
I mean that not all content must be available for zero newcomers. Otherwise, what is the incentive for growth and increased skills in the game?
If I can’t afford some quests for some reason, I do not fulfill them.
Any quests are not obligatory - these are just options in a giant Universe. No one forces them to do.
If golem was increased to 10 million hp, I would be calling for it to be back to its original value. Your analogy does not work here.


New Member
Hm, interesting discussion. I was in the Corrupted Lab multiple times and I did not know it is (or was) possible to use vehicles there :) I discovered it a few days before they removed this option :)
And I am no uber for sure, but Corrupted Lab does not feel to be so terrible as Rusty suggests. My best gun has 76 DPS unamped.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Hm, interesting discussion. I was in the Corrupted Lab multiple times and I did not know it is (or was) possible to use vehicles there :) I discovered it a few days before they removed this option :)
And I am no uber for sure, but Corrupted Lab does not feel to be so terrible as Rusty suggests. My best gun has 76 DPS unamped.
I have not seen a single person hunt their way through, everyone just runs through and clogs it. None of this is working as intended.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Are you doing that in the public instance so others can get the items too? It doesn't seem such, that is what I mean by not working as intended. The public instances are so clogged near the items from no one hunting and just dragging mobs it's not useable. The public instance is intended to be used not clogged and force you to do a private instance...


New Member
Yeah, I do that in public instance, and yes, sometimes, I encounter a "herd" here and there :) But today, it was quite fine. I killed some, the other player present killed some and there was a third player there but honestly, I do not know what was that one up to :) Was not advancing through the area.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Maybe some players that plan to hunt through it could post in Cyrene chat to bring some noobs with them then, that would be a nice community aspect!

I do think the amount of mobs is too high, cut it in half and double the respawn would be better though. It's way too densely packed.