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Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 26th, 2023

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
- Overall reduction in spawns for Armored and Horned Whiskerfish
- Tweaked several overly dense spawns to help combat server latency
- Creatures in the A.R.C. Academy should be able to drop Nova and Blazar Fragments
- Adjusted ocean to not come through Ngu Volcano Land Area
- Fixed teleporter names for duplicate Ngu Volcano:
– Ngu Volcano Island Lookout
– Ngu Volcano Land Area

Bug Fixes:
- Additional Spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected
- Fixed idle for Pleaks and Big Birds
- Adjusted teleporter particles to be less intense
- Tweaked the formatting of counters on the following missions:
– Zyn'viathan - Part 2 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 3 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 4 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 5 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 6 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 7 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 8 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 10 of 10
- Fixed Arms Merchant - Ozpyn BPX-P1 or Ozpyn BPX-P3 mission to not ask for Weapon Cubes
- Added check for Imperium Trainee Knife before Weaponmaster Rob’s Combat Knife Test
- Fixed turn in location of Meet the Zyn'Kimbro… mission

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.
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New Member
- Tweaked the counter on the following missions:
– Zyn'viathan - Part 2 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 3 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 4 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 5 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 6 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 7 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 8 of 10
– Zyn'viathan - Part 10 of 10

Can you explain what this means?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey, sorry Wingpool, I should have been more clear and was asked a few times today in game and on Discord.

Can you explain what this means?

Only the formatting of the counter was adjusted, for example.

OLD: 44 /100
NEW: 44/100

I'll update the original post to be more clear.



Hey, sorry Wingpool, I should have been more clear and was asked a few times today in game and on Discord.

Only the formatting of the counter was adjusted, for example.

OLD: 44 /100
NEW: 44/100

I'll update the original post to be more clear.

So much better.
Will this lead to the collapse of prices?


New Member
So much better.
Will this lead to the collapse of prices?

No idea, but I dont even see the formatting at all, neither the old or the new. Completely left in the dark here, but I have some idea what it takes to complete these missions.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

So much better.
Will this lead to the collapse of prices?
No idea, but I dont even see the formatting at all, neither the old or the new. Completely left in the dark here, but I have some idea what it takes to complete these missions.

NO part of the mission requirements have changed for any mission of the Zyn'viathan.

As the missions are repeatable and players requested numerical counters to be added to these missions, not only progress bars, so they were added but the text formatting of the spacing was a bit strange, so it was adjusted.

I think most players who have had these missions in progress from their initial release will not see any changes because it's quite problematic to retroactively add mission objectives to pre-existing missions.

Hopefully this is more clear and we'll work to make the update notes more understood in the future.



No idea, but I dont even see the formatting at all, neither the old or the new. Completely left in the dark here, but I have some idea what it takes to complete these missions.
The same is for me, of course (for reasons described by Kris).
I did not expect my joke instead of smiles would lead to serious comments. :)


Active Member
I'm not sure whether by old progress bars on the Zyn'viathan missions are bugged or not. I know I got to the first slither (pixel) of progress for most of them initially, and then tried some out to see how slow the next pixel of progress was.
If I understand correctly, if we want to see the new numbers you have added, we would need to finish a mission and repeat it, or cancel and restart. Neither option is very appealing I think.
As there are indeed now numbers, people should be able to see more easily what equates to some low amount, say 1/10th of a percent (I imagine most totals are in the thousands, as the missions are long).
Can anyone provide some helpful data please? What should I do if it does look like the old progress bars are now somehow bugged, based on test progress for a short while? Is anyone else affected by this?


New Member
I'm not sure whether by old progress bars on the Zyn'viathan missions are bugged or not. I know I got to the first slither (pixel) of progress for most of them initially, and then tried some out to see how slow the next pixel of progress was.
If I understand correctly, if we want to see the new numbers you have added, we would need to finish a mission and repeat it, or cancel and restart. Neither option is very appealing I think.
As there are indeed now numbers, people should be able to see more easily what equates to some low amount, say 1/10th of a percent (I imagine most totals are in the thousands, as the missions are long).
Can anyone provide some helpful data please? What should I do if it does look like the old progress bars are now somehow bugged, based on test progress for a short while? Is anyone else affected by this?

It is an epic mission. Takes alot of time and peds to finish. As far as I can see it still works.


Active Member
ok, thanks for that info. I'll recheck what I'm seeing then...
It's great that Kris took up our wishes and was able to apply them to most of the 10 missions, yes. On the other hand, I still have missions active for 3k kills or whatever of something I rarely kill - for which counters were then introduced, but not on active missions, and I have no idea how far they are, so I'm not very motivated. We're talking YEARS here, so the psychology is apparently stubborn ;)


Active Member
I'm now seeing progress on a few bars I'd put more work into, even a counter on the taming Zyn'viathan now.
Mining is still only a slither despite a number of finds I would expect to show up more. Perhaps it is EXTREMELY daunting, or has 'some other explanation'. Any totals people have would be welcome...

I'd also like to note that maybe the arms merchant is adding insult to injury by being at the start of the bridge on which the beginner paneleon NPC stands. Do his two guns count for kills for that beginner mission, as it states only Cyrene tt weaps count? If not then that is mega poor, on top of the 'scammy' pricing.

However, it is good to see that generous daily reward for anyone on the training area paneleons at the other end of the bridge, so that's a nice addition!

Edit to save space: thanks Wingpool directly below. Possibly my guestimated 20 finds so far are thus not quite on the second slither; I might check and track via chat log, thanks.
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New Member
I'm now seeing progress on a few bars I'd put more work into, even a counter on the taming Zyn'viathan now.
Mining is still only a slither despite a number of finds I would expect to show up more. Perhaps it is EXTREMELY daunting, or has 'some other explanation'. Any totals people have would be welcome...

I'd also like to note that maybe the arms merchant is adding insult to injury by being at the start of the bridge on which the beginner paneleon NPC stands. Do his two guns count for kills for that beginner mission, as it states only Cyrene tt weaps count? If not then that is mega poor, on top of the 'scammy' pricing.

However, it is good to see that generous daily reward for anyone on the training area paneleons at the other end of the bridge, so that's a nice addition!

The mining mission is very hard. Requires 10k finds of olerin. Dropping, finding and drilling up all the claims requires hundreds of hours. There are no shortcuts.