l love Cyrene to death and it looks amazing, but one thing Cyrene citizens and I have noticed: there is just to much flora!! Many people that I have talked to have noticed huge lag spikes around TP's (I think this is caused by the extreme amount of foliage everywhere) I think, at least, by the TP's/outpost flora should be cut down, there are already so much extra resources, like let's say at HQ, there is a bunch of garbage/scrap everywhere, those tall tezla things, about 10 houses, 15-20 trees, terminals, AND a bunch of flora, there is really no need for all of this is a 50m radius, it really just bogs down a lot of people makes it less fun/attractive of a planet to stay on, I have even heard reports of people crashing because of the lag, outside of towns it Isn't so bad (at least the lag) but the extreme fauna is still a problem, sometimes it is hard to find my mining claims (even using the radar and the finder locator) because It's covered by bushs and giant grass! 
I know that you mean well, and you want us to enjoy this planet to the fullest, and the Cyrene staff probably ment to make the place look overgrown and don't get me wrong it looks beautiful! But I think we can still get an overgrown look without using up so many resources, maybe less flora on the ground and more on the buildings growning off the tops etc.. This way we would still have an overgrown look but we wont have 6 FPS and can actually enjoy Cyrene!! We can't enjoy it at 6 FPS or constant crashes.
So if you could guys could, please bring out the S.I. Lawnmower and S.I. Chainsaw, Cyrene citizens have spoken, Cyrene needs a trimming!!(at least around towns)

I know that you mean well, and you want us to enjoy this planet to the fullest, and the Cyrene staff probably ment to make the place look overgrown and don't get me wrong it looks beautiful! But I think we can still get an overgrown look without using up so many resources, maybe less flora on the ground and more on the buildings growning off the tops etc.. This way we would still have an overgrown look but we wont have 6 FPS and can actually enjoy Cyrene!! We can't enjoy it at 6 FPS or constant crashes.

So if you could guys could, please bring out the S.I. Lawnmower and S.I. Chainsaw, Cyrene citizens have spoken, Cyrene needs a trimming!!(at least around towns)