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Cyrene Resource Collection Services


Well-Known Member
Now that the vehicle blueprints and several other blueprints have dropped now. It time to start focusing on kickstarting Cyrene's Economy. In doing so I have started a Cyrene Resource Collection Service.

This collection service is focused towards crafters and for hunters that are not miners and want to complete the daily missions. Unfortunately resellers are charging so much for the Bonding Liquid blueprint that i am unable to supply bonding liquid at the moment.

More people that do the daily missions and challenges etc.. the better Cyrene will become.

Before the farmers come to cyrene to flood the market with high MU resources (as Happened on Next Island), I am taking a stance to keep the resources affordable. This is not just for me but help from the entire Cyrene community will keep resources affordable so crafters can craft away with less MU risk and hunters can also submit the daily resources required for Token rewards.

Ive only got 30 slots in the auction I can use, but find me on the Player Register "Agis Agis Mckracken" and you can also request resources and if I have slots free ill post on the public auction.

Use this thread to post your requested resources and as I obtain more resources, and members of the Cyrene community can post the resources on the public auction.

Mission Resources on Public Auction

5 Ingots of Zorn Star Ore - 1 PED (Events & Training Camp)
5 Yellow Crystals - 1 PED (Southern Base)
5 Zorn Star Ore - 1 PED (A.R.C Base)
10 Low Grade Power Cells - 2 PED (A.R.C Base - for S.P.E.A.R reward & Daily Mission)
5 Blue Crystals - 1 PED (Craggs Point) Quite rare so ill list as i have enough free available
5 Green Crystals - 1 PED (A.R.C R&D Base)
5 Kaisenite Ingot - 5 PED (A.R.C EVAC Base) Very Rare at the moment.
40 Zorn Star Ore - 2 PED (Zyn'Kimbo Village)
5 Bonding Liquid - TBA (Zyn'Kimbo Village)

again help from the community will benefit all cause of my limited Auction Slots available im limited with what i can supply.

We will see how this thread goes, anyone is free to post there requests or comments.




Travelling through time...
Sorry to ruin your sales thread but selling 5 units (pecs) with most common resource there is on cyrene (it's like a second version of lysterium) and selling it for 2000% which is 20 times more than it's worth is not really helping anyone except yourself. I can understand the price for BLue Crystals and Kaisenite Ingot as those are still rare. Also Low Grade Power Cells cost a lot to craft so that price is also good but not Zorn Star or Yellow Crystal. I understand that you can't put less than 1PED markup in auction but then you might want to increase quantity of resources so buyer wouldn't have to pay extra 0.54PED for taxes.

If you are really trying to help other players to do daily quests then maybe you could offer 10-day resource packs or even 30-day. For reasonable price i would consider buying 30-day resource packs as i'm getting low on some resources myself. But not using auction to do that :coffee:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to ruin your sales thread but selling 5 units (pecs) with most common resource there is on cyrene (it's like a second version of lysterium) and selling it for 2000% which is 20 times more than it's worth is not really helping anyone except yourself. I can understand the price for BLue Crystals and Kaisenite Ingot as those are still rare. Also Low Grade Power Cells cost a lot to craft so that price is also good but not Zorn Star or Yellow Crystal. I understand that you can't put less than 1PED markup in auction but then you might want to increase quantity of resources so buyer wouldn't have to pay extra 0.54PED for taxes.

If you are really trying to help other players to do daily quests then maybe you could offer 10-day resource packs or even 30-day. For reasonable price i would consider buying 30-day resource packs as i'm getting low on some resources myself. But not using auction to do that :coffee:

No it actually is for people who cant be bothered mining the resource and i foot the auction fee all the time, its just for convienence, nothing to do with markup as its innaccurate cost the auction fee is the majority of the MU. There are hunters that just want to get the daily token, and 10 day resource packs for 1PED is actually not possible (unless you sell under 100%), the idea is to keep the auction price cheap. Markup comes into play for crafters and i have zorn star packs of 1000 ingots for 35PED which is a good price atm.

And also the thread is for everyone not just myself if you want to make packs , go right ahead, its better for the community however there are those people that just dont buy unless its 1PED, alot of your average people dont pay attention to the % they see 1 PED and thats the cheapest on auction they buy it.

You must note also why i sell very few quantity pecs TT , because low pec units will not effect the overall market of the item. the odd 5pecs at 2000% will never harm the weekly or monthly market on the item which is the median most crafters and sellers take note of. You dont want to damage the market so always keep to the least in TT possible (A Pack could effect the weekly/monthly MU on item cause its alot higher TT (x10-x30) .


Active Member
TunerS has beaten me to it with his criticism. With my irony mode still turned on I'd think that you worked for a very unbalanced balancing team or something!
Now I have been known to put a low number of mission loot on the market at a high mu myself, but only because the missions concerned have been once-only missions which ppl may simply want to finish fast for their specific reward.

Here, however, the missions in this case are usually repeatable daily and the reward is tokens. It would be absurd to buy at 2000% mu if you understand that, and thus 'absurd' too really to offer that on the auction.

I would also suggest 10-day or more resource packs - and of course they can cost more than 1 ped!
(I still feel it is crazy not to be able to set prices at pec or 10s of pecs, but I'd just put an amount on auction that makes sense for 2,3,4 or 5 peds - and I nearly did yesterday when I saw the ones at 2000%. I didn't - more to see the result for a few days, I have to admit)


Well-Known Member
I love it ..criticism ..remember is not 2000% taking into account the auction fee. The crazy thing is about it is people would buy something thats 1 PED compared to 2,3,4 or 5PEDs and not even look at the markup, its keeping the price low always (forget MU %) .. obviously you didnt read my above reply properly and jumped the gun a bit.

MU is focused for buying in bulk (for crafters), think about this as an average player , you need 5 Green Crystals for a Imperium Token, is it worth going out spending 100s of PEDs finding those elusive crystals (and yes, if you find you might have enough for a few days supply), just to get that Imperium Token or cant be bothered and just pay the minimum auction cost and get the daily mission over and done with.

And results speak for themselves (its the conviencence)

Your Yellow Crystal (5) was sold at auction for 1.00 PED.
The commission was 0.00 PED.
Your account has been updated with 1.00 PED.
Markup: 2000.00%
Time: 2012-09-10 20:46:57

Your Blue Crystal (5) was sold at auction for 1.00 PED.
The commission was 0.00 PED.
Your account has been updated with 1.00 PED.
Markup: 1000.00%
Time: 2012-09-10 20:46:49

And this is my example of sales when i sell in bulk for crafters (keeping the costs low for crafters)

Your Low Grade Electronic Component (200) was sold at auction for 50.00 PED.
The commission was 0.00 PED.
Your account has been updated with 50.00 PED.
Markup: 147.06%
Time: 2012-09-10 20:18:02

Sold Zorn Star Ore (1000) for 35.00 PED
Markup ~116.70%
(many batches of this sold)

Sold Super Adhesive (which is refined Yellow Crystal) for around 150% (not 2000% :) which i think is a good deal.

thats the difference between just quick convienence auction and a bulk auction for crafters.

Did my yellow crystal auction effect the MU of the product, NO still around 210% which I think is still far too high for crafters.

Edit : someone bringing the price of low grade electronic component down to 124% (good to see) , now ill push that price around the median of 120% which is what i predicted the market value of the item is worth (based on its drop numbers)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Agis. I did read your post and reply, so I wasn't jumping the gun. I realise that you say you are catering for certain people and have different offers for crafters, and as long as lots of tt is sold at lower mu then the 2000% won't affect the statistics much. All good and true, but I stand by my opinion where I wrote the word 'absurd' twice and i expect TunerS does too with his "selling it for 2000% which is 20 times more than it's worth is not really helping anyone except yourself." + and a fat auction fee for whoever gets that!
I suppose the best I can say is that it is a pretty cheap lesson for people to learn about relative values here. I mean c'mon, you get a profit of about 40 pecs by selling 5 pecs tt at 1 ped. If you sold 10 pecs tt for 1 ped you'd make about 35 pecs (but would have sold 2 daily doses), while the buyer pays just 1000% mu instead of 2000%.

If you really are trying to help others (which I accept from your very good work on the guide), then at least consider that the deal I suggest gets the buyer 2 tokens over 2 days for 1 ped instead of just 1 token! Also, as the token value (at least at the moment) is above 50 pecs on the market, the sale could even be considered a 'fair' price, even if the offer is still not particularly good. I know YOU are saying it's not about mu, but the 'price', but my example doesn't even change the 1 ped price tag.

Are you really assuming that the same players will come back day after day to buy 5 crystals etc, or are you 'catering' for people who haven't learnt yet on a market where very little is being offered/bought?

And yes, maybe you haven't really thought about it much, and there are apparently people around who don't seem to on the buying side either. But we are drawing your attention to it here.

I really hope that Cyrene starts to get new players in, but we need to get the economy moving properly or it will put people off. The wonderful landscapes are there, the great mobs are there, a good range of missions and repeatable missions is there - but what isn't is full crafting chains with mats that actually drop or 'proper' offers in return for tokens. As the saying goes: "It's the economy, stupid!" You, Agis, are obviously closer to the developers than I am, so please take on my points and those by TunerS - hopefully made more constructively now in explanation - and try and get this through to the developers too if we have helped you see any light that you hadn't previously seen :)!


Well-Known Member
Point is .. it doesnt work with all the materials (your just basing it on one material the yellow crystal) there is still green, blue, zorn ingot. You think i do this for profit.. I do this to help people. Why would I use a valuable slot listing something that probably wont sell, I do this for the convienence of the community, it teaches them what is out there, In my guide I even show you where these resources are found. I dont care if i make 10pec 20pec, means nothing to a person that burns 53pec everytime he fires a weapon. By the 2nd day on Cyrene (if the person has not gone back to where he came from) that person will learn what is out there by that time. It keeps the auction looking nice and organised 5 here 5 here 5here , not 20 here, 10 here, 5 here, 15here, I sell all my bulk items in batches of 100 or 200 clicks.. everything is organised for the convience.


Active Member
*shakes head* - Yes, I can see you have other low quantities on auction at much lower mu, thus I CAN see that you are not ONLY doing 2000%.
No, I'm not JUST basing it on the yellow crystal - you have zorn ore on I believe too.

I can write that you are not listening, or that you don't 'seem' to be listening. Ultimately we are writing something different from your justification of 'easy', 'organised' and 'convenient'. Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Also, I didn't suggest that you are doing it for profit, merely that if you want to stick to 1 ped, 1 ped, 1 ped, you can still sell 10, 15 or even 20 or more zorn ore or yellow ingot, for example.

I interpret that by the 2nd day on Cyrene a person (if still on Cyrene) will have learnt what is out there and not be buying those 5 zorn ores from you.... that is also known as 'learning the hard way'! As you have a wonderful guide written for new people and 'learning in an easy and attractive way', this just seems a bit inconsistent. You get it?


Fate Thanatos Themis
i got something to say about bonding bp and bonding liq prices:
- i crafted here hell of materials, lost lots of peds, and got only 2 of those bp. its rare, thats why its as L bp as well avialable by tokens.
- price of bonding liq i set on auction is 350%. it may seem to be high, but while its main ingredient - yellow crystal is 200-250% MU, and i get about 2/3 of tt put to the construction terminal, it makes the price like this.

10ped tt x 250% = 25ped < costs
10ped x 0.66 = 6,6ped tt of bonding = 6,6 x 350% = 23,1ped < outcome

so, if the price of yellow cristal fall, i will sell bonding liquid cheaper.
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Well-Known Member
thank you for the insight in to your pricing on bonding liquid.

the first things that i bought when i decided to make cyrene my home was the various sweat bps bonding and others. i was lucky i guess as i got the bonding liquid for 5ish peds and then looted all the other bps that i had bought :)

as to the topic at hand the its a great idea what you are doing Agis it just seems the application is a little bit off. to some it might seem that you are profittiering under the guise of helping, if for nothing else than the amount mu is looked at.

but i realize or at least believe that you are trying to find a way to not hurt yourself while helping others.

this is an example of an instance where shops would really help the community, by lowering the fees involved in the various transactions.

but i am a noob so take everything i say with a grain of salt.
Good to see you getting involved, Non :)

Entropia is a complex place, even those who have been around in it a long time dont know everything. Agis isnt forcing people to buy his stuff, if they like the MU they'll buy, if not they wont. He shouldn't have to lose peds to help people. Working out fair prices can be difficult.


Well-Known Member
thanks i am trying :)

when i look at something like this i try to see both sides of the issue and i totally agree if people buy it it is not over priced, and wouldn't ask or expect any one to harm their own balance and gameplay for the sake of some unknown player.

also one of the best ways for me to learn is to just voice my thoughts and see what people have to say about them. and no matter how wrong i was in my orgional post/ thought hopefully by the end of the discussion i will have a better understanding of the issuses involved.

if i seem like i am accussing someone of anything shady that is never my intent just trying to fairly state both sides of the issue(from my noobish perspective), and of course i can fail at this so i aplogize if it came off that way.
Hi Non,

Reading text can sometimes lead to misunderstanding due to not being able to see the emotions of the person writing it. I didnt think you were accusing anyone :) I think your approach to voicing your thoughts is a good one.