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Bug Report cyrene scout armor bug


Active Member
I posted 2 pics so that the bug on the cyrene harness could be seen, looks like the stomach area is all jutted out, looking at the npcs with scout armor, or any other of the cyrene armor for that matter, doesn't have this funny graphic section on the stomach of the armors.
scout armor bug 1.jpg
scout armor bug 2.jpg


Active Member
Hehe, I wish that were the case. I looked at the item info on the harness and the harness shows properly, but as for having the harness equipped in game it gets that funny sort of chopped look. The rest of the armor parts of the Cyrene scout set look right to me, just the harness is acting up. :)


Active Member
it's hard to get a good pic of how the armor is all "chunky" and jutted out in areas at the stomach. a soc mate has the same harness and the same graphic bug is on his harness as well, so I would say that it's definitely on all of the M scout harnesses. I haven't seen the F harness equipped but I am making a set for my mothers avatar and when it's done I'll take it to her and see if the F harness has the same issue as the M harness, although it would be nice if it were fixed by that time. :)


Active Member
here's another pic from a different angle, maybe easier to see how the stomach and top of the thigh is sticking out in odd ways.
cyrene scout armor bug - 2.jpg


Active Member
I finished the cyrene scout armor set for the F and there's nothing wrong with that set graphic. So by being able to see the F set next to the M set I could easily see that not only is the stomach section of the M harness bugged out but also the thigh. I hope this will get fixed soon, it's a nice looking set and with the right armor plates can be versatile for a number of different mobs.


Active Member
checked the harness again today, nothing has changed. the mid section of the armor is not very good looking and this set wasn't inexpensive to make. maybe soon it will get fixed?


Active Member
if new bps have been dropping then some kind of update has occurred, also the ranger armor was just discovered the other day, hence some sort of update


Travelling through time...
Not update, someone just got lucky enough and crafted the right item at the right time that's all. Not all bps are discovered immediately.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
The Avatar visual update wont happen till a later time i believe in EU release notes they said it will happen at a later VU.


Active Member
Well at least at some point it will get fixed, will be nice to get using it again. Also, any pics of the new ranger armor? I can make some helmets if I can get the last resource needed, one I can't find and don't know what color crystal it comes from, unfortunately I didn't write down the ingredients, so I can't say off the top of my head which is needed.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
2x Reflecting Coating
25x Protective coating.
4x Kaisenite Ignots
1x A.R.C. Mold (any type)
I want to say 15x Bonding Liquid

and fyi i was only able to find 7 crystals which i paid 20 peds for, It was luck that saved me at the end.


Active Member
ok, it's the reflective coating, the rest I have and have made as well, could use more blue crystal but I am sure I can find a little more of that. I have an L bp for 70 some clicks so I will make some when I can get the reflective agent.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I dont think you realize what trouble i went through searching for the super rare hazy crystal, I tracked down someone who found a small deposit a couple months back and bought it from them. I don't think anymore hazy crystal has been found since then, But i am hoping that Cyrene Dev team tweaked the mining on Cyrene.


Active Member
Well that's good to know, I hope they do drop more of the hazy crystal soon. And yes it would be nice if the development team of cyrene would do a little something about the mining, I am not sure that being known as the "planet of oil" does a whole lot of good for bringing people to the planet, hehe


Active Member
the reason for mentioning blue was to make more of the protective coating, I just don't have much made right now. I have made 3 sets of the scout armor, so I know what makes all but the reflective coating (until now), too bad it isn't blue that one is that bad to find.