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Cyrene special gift not receved ever


New Member
Hi all i have a big question what its hapen with the promised cyrene special gift ?

When the plane whos not relesed on cyrene website say that all who create a acount in that moment (year 2012) when the planet will be relesed they will receve a cyrene special gift its licke 3 years since the planet its relesed and i dont receve any cyrene special gift as in this thread say http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-special-gift.302/

Copy paste:

So far the reward is for new players only - who choose to have Cyrene as their 'home-base' because they start out on that planet - just like players starting out on Next Island are native 'Islanders', ROCKtropia are 'native' ROCKtropians, people starting on Arkadia are native Arkadians and well, those of us who has been playing for many years, are native Calypsians.

This doesn't mean we can't visit other planets, but we were not 'born' on those planets.

Will there be anything for visitors on Planet Cyrene? I really don't know at this moment - so time will tell =)

So i choose to have Cyrene as my 'home-base' because i start out on cyrene planet when the planet whos not relesed and i dont receve nothing and i want to know if i will receve something or not

Sorry for my bad english

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i havn't seen this offer, but all i can say is, the planet isn't officialy launched yet and is still in beta. cyrene is meant to hard launch in the next 12 months


New Member
i havn't seen this offer, but all i can say is, the planet isn't officialy launched yet and is still in beta. cyrene is meant to hard launch in the next 12 months

The planet cyrene whos lunched in 2012 (3 years ago) and you say its stil in beta stage lol never mind this its not important important its they promis a special gift when the planet will start on they never say something about the beta stage or oficial relese so they have to cheap the promis

I have created my acount in 2012-03-13 and the planet whos online 2 months later and the promis in the website who create a acount until the planet its not relesed when the planet will be relesed they will receve a special gift from cyrene so i want the promsed gift
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New Member
I agree, they should stop handing out free gifts.

They never give nothing for free to us only promis and lies the support told me that my acount whos created after the planet whos relesed and i writ the back with the pruve that my acount whos created on cyrene website with 2 months erlier the planet whos relesed and they promised the gift for thous who create acount erlier the relese and the support told me that the gift whos give for thows who whos on the planet on that moment and you have to do something in the game to receve taht gift and that its a big big MA lie they lie us licke a fouls


Active Member
Get rid of loot as well, then there will be no complaints about that being crappy either.
She does kind of have a point though, even though it's kind of hard to understand.
They DID make a promise, they should keep it. If they quit making promises in the future, yes, you are correct it might at least stop those complaints, but they really should honor the ones they made now.



New Member
Get rid of loot as well, then there will be no complaints about that being crappy either.
She does kind of have a point though, even though it's kind of hard to understand.
They DID make a promise, they should keep it. If they quit making promises in the future, yes, you are correct it might at least stop those complaints, but they really should honor the ones they made now.


They should honor the promis but they dont they lie us licke a foul that they think we are but they are wrong


Well-Known Member
Hi all i have a big question what its hapen with the promised cyrene special gift ?

When the plane whos not relesed on cyrene website say that all who create a acount in that moment (year 2012) when the planet will be relesed they will receve a cyrene special gift its licke 3 years since the planet its relesed and i dont receve any cyrene special gift as in this thread say http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-special-gift.302/

Copy paste:

So far the reward is for new players only - who choose to have Cyrene as their 'home-base' because they start out on that planet - just like players starting out on Next Island are native 'Islanders', ROCKtropia are 'native' ROCKtropians, people starting on Arkadia are native Arkadians and well, those of us who has been playing for many years, are native Calypsians.

This doesn't mean we can't visit other planets, but we were not 'born' on those planets.

Will there be anything for visitors on Planet Cyrene? I really don't know at this moment - so time will tell =)

So i choose to have Cyrene as my 'home-base' because i start out on cyrene planet when the planet whos not relesed and i dont receve nothing and i want to know if i will receve something or not

Sorry for my bad english
Those will come up with the Christmas 2014 presents in just few months December is soon :D


Active Member
Well, Neverdie's POVR stuff did come out about a year or so after the promised boxes for the presidential thing was supposed to. Is 6 years too long for Cyrene to do something funky like that? Could even use the same type of method Rocktropia did for their POVR thing, where you get a 'box' and then have to turn it in to an npc for a chance to get back one of several special items in return. If Mindark could create a poster for Monria for St. Patrick Day handouts maybe they can allow something special for Cyrene too? ;) :)