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Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts


Active Member
Special Mission: Armor Parts

Armor Shin Guards .... 132006, 77762, 168
Armor Foot Guards ... 136140, 79236, 110
Armor Hand Guards ... 133158, 78432, 124
Armor Head Guards ... 137045, 74571, 100
Armor Thigh Guards .. 138095, 76646, 100
Armor Chest Guards .. 135798, 79535, 111
Armor Arm Guards ..... 133096, 79018, 100

NPC: James Williams (Abstruse Seeker) 138850, 77075, 115
Near the A.R.C. Staging teleport ........... 138801, 77071, 112

After finding all 7 spots, return to NPC and get Limited blueprint with 10 uses:
Ozpyn Cold Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L)

Special thanks to TunerS, Haruto Rat, Sluggo, and everyone else who took part previously, and in this current parts hunt.
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Active Member
The above are publically known positions/coordinates/locations to find armor parts.

Not sure when the mission for armor parts finally became active??
I only discovered it after the Battle Ready NPC was activated last week.

Judging by the requests in chat for Shin coords/pos and screenshots;
the Head and Arm locations are known to multiple players.

Also Kris confirmed "the Shin Guards are not missing on Cyrene".
Hoping he meant in game and not just on test server again lol! :D

So the race is on to find Shin Guards and get first discovery from NPC.

And after completing the Armor Parts, hopefully the All Special Missions completed NPC will work...
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Active Member
Head Location:
[Planet Cyrene, 137045, 74571, 100, Waypoint]
Thanks John I saw it posted to Cyrene chat a moment ago too.
I went back earlier pressed screenshot and its mia. (shrug)

Also updated OP with those coords.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Here's the proof for the Shin Guards on live servers =P

Shin Proof.PNG

I hope this won't give away their location.



Active Member
Yesterday I stumbled across "Hidden Item: Ice Plateau"... and didn't realize I had that mission!

So that helps me leave the ice and narrows down search area to about 50% of Cyrene.
Thanks Kris.
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