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Cyrene Spring 2022 Vu Preview

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hello everyone, we are doing something a little different this preview, I hope you enjoy the short video.
Dialogue from the video for those that just want to read it:

Welcome to the Cyrene Spring 2022 Vu Preview. Now I know that we usually do a forum post but we decided to change things up a little.

We are excited to bring the first original Cyrene music composed and mastered by CKA records, our in-house studio headed by Yui. The youtube and sound cloud links will be in the description.

Introducing utility faps, players with the refurb heart fap rank 6 can now choose 1 of two utility upgrades. Additionally, players can now downgrade back to rank 5; however this change will be final.

We’ve got some updates to a few areas.

  • One being the scout bot pens increase in both area and spawn size.

  • The other being the high shaman making it easier for players to reach him.

  • Additionally the rift has been redesigned to accommodate a wider range of player skill levels as well as introducing some story as to why the ARC is now involved.

With the rise of the Manuthale faction coming to the surface, they have overhauled Mer Beach into its original marsh-like ecosystem known as Rana Haven. The change to the island has caught the attention of ARC who are requesting trusted player assistance in aiding our new allies via unique daily missions.

Zyn’Dars Hovel has been remodel to include his new companion Zyn’Tao and his crafting station. With this remodel Zyn’Dars current pet daily mission has been split between low and mid level pets missions. While Zyn’Tao will be offering a weekly crafting mission which will reward Tamer Horns limited blueprint.

With the growing relations between Arc and the Zyn over at Zyn’Tukano, Kaydee Barns is now able to offer a daily texture mission to create synthetic leather textures which she learned from the local Zyn.

After a long year of waiting Cyrene is happy and excited to announce the return of the Imperium Armor. With this return, the Augmented and Perfected versions will also be available. However it seems there were some Imperium moles getting these armors so now Zed Fontaine is personally enforcing stricter controls with players needing increased A.R.C. Badges as well as additional components and plenty of animal oil residue.

Thank you for joining us for the Cyrene Spring 2022 VU preview. As always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us on the official Cyrene discord. The link will be in the description.

Stay safe out there :bye:
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Active Member
I think you guys gave too much info especially about the Imperium armors before the VU. Also a big thing I dislike about Cyrene is the limitation of A.R.C badges restricting content. In particularly these imperium armors. It will only make so only a few high longtime playing players who have the insane patience to do those extremely boring dailies every day which are only suited to low lvl players.

Instead take note of Ancient Greece. You can grind your way through Gorgon waves and loot the stuff you need in order to make all the way up to perfected scales (plates) or gorgon perfected armor.
There is one somewhat lengthy mission to do (a day it takes) to get access to gorgon wave. And a 10k sweat restriction to start the regular gorgon wave. To spawn the Gorgon's shade it's a more longer mission as well and more costly but you don't have to spend years to get access to it.

Restricting content with A.R.C badges just hinders the amount of players you'll get to cycle their peds on your planet especially if you have to spend 2-3 years of dailies to get enough A.R.C badges to get access to content, nobody except a few have the patience for that. Especially when there's so much competition of other content out there from other Planet Partners. In the end you end up with a few select few who may just come to Cyrene do daily, then leave. Losing you a lot of potential revenue if the access to content was more similar to what other planet partners have done.

I hope you guys take my thoughts into consideration.

Just my two pecs.


Active Member
I think you guys gave too much info especially about the Imperium armors before the VU. Also a big thing I dislike about Cyrene is the limitation of A.R.C badges restricting content. In particularly these imperium armors. It will only make so only a few high longtime playing players who have the insane patience to do those extremely boring dailies every day which are only suited to low lvl players.

Instead take note of Ancient Greece. You can grind your way through Gorgon waves and loot the stuff you need in order to make all the way up to perfected scales (plates) or gorgon perfected armor.
There is one somewhat lengthy mission to do (a day it takes) to get access to gorgon wave. And a 10k sweat restriction to start the regular gorgon wave. To spawn the Gorgon's shade it's a more longer mission as well and more costly but you don't have to spend years to get access to it.

Restricting content with A.R.C badges just hinders the amount of players you'll get to cycle their peds on your planet especially if you have to spend 2-3 years of dailies to get enough A.R.C badges to get access to content, nobody except a few have the patience for that. Especially when there's so much competition of other content out there from other Planet Partners. In the end you end up with a few select few who may just come to Cyrene do daily, then leave. Losing you a lot of potential revenue if the access to content was more similar to what other planet partners have done.

I hope you guys take my thoughts into consideration.

Just my two pecs.

dude if u want, go to AG and take what is there, Cyrene has a diff path, if u dont like it u can skip it,

more of it,

if u care so much for PP as u claim, the badges beside the fact that are super easy to get, those will keep players on cyrene for a while, if they want ofc, keeping them makes PP have some activity...or what u want to say is that this requirement needs to be taken away just for few lazy fks who dont want to do anything and just take it as granted?

the badges could've been collected since the armor was removed, and to support this, i have friends who chose to do them and sit here on cyrene, now they all have 1800+ badges, started from scratch

but hey.. why not let all to be just easy as fk and let everyone to come by take what they need and leave.. for NI/Ag or Calypso, leaving cyrene to the simple meaning of a bitch/cunt status, u pay, u get the pleasure and u leave...

for fuck sake i m soo tired of narrowed minds, really now
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
*edit* Changed the format of this specific post so I can add more questions and answers that come from the discord so everyone can see things fairly.

More questions asked from the discord that I will post here:
  1. Do the existing mission requirements stay the same for the old armors or has the whole thing been overhauled with new materials and requirements?
    • We used everything that was required before and added in new requirements as well as adjusted the badges needed.
  2. Can we know if we will have to make the whole armor set at once or if we have the option to make it a piece at a time?
    • You can only make a piece at a time, a whole set before was way too easy.
  3. Will the whole upgr process require badges now? I remember panelon and spec not requiring when it first was released.
    • Yes you will need badges for the whole upgrade process.
  4. Is the upgrade path from stolen imperium to improved imperium still possible?
    • For right now we don't have a system in place to upgrade the stolen armor yet as the higher priority was bringing back the upgrades.
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New Member
Since the question came up on discord about the materials needed I will quote myself here on the forums as well for those that don't use discord-
We used everything that was required before and added in new requirements as well as adjusted the badges needed.
Have you considered adjusting the tail tip drop rate though? At this rate i think it's atrociously low...


Sandal San Tolk
Most important question from my point of view: Can I be certain that I can do this on my own time and budget, or do I have to reckon with the possibility that production of these unlimited items will be ended one day without announcement, usually by choking off supply of some essential ingredient? I don't want to enter in a race of who can spend the most money the fastest. If there is any planned cap, it needs to be known now.

About tail tip drops: Been testing this a bit and found nothing has changed from how it's been for a while now. I get about one per 200 kills of Weak Paneleon with an amped Barbarella or TT gun. This lines up nicely with the daily mission(s) on them. I suspect you can shoot yourself in the foot by trying to speed-kill them with stronger weapons which lowers your efficiency. My understanding is that this was designed as a funding source for low-level players and hope it is kept this way. If you're impatient, also about collecting badges, thus demonstrating you have no interest in the planet itself, your shortcut is buying the end product.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Most important question from my point of view: Can I be certain that I can do this on my own time and budget, or do I have to reckon with the possibility that production of these unlimited items will be ended one day without announcement, usually by choking off supply of some essential ingredient? I don't want to enter in a race of who can spend the most money the fastest. If there is any planned cap, it needs to be known now.
to quote myself from the official Cyrene discord-
I can't speak on the behalf of MA, but what I can say is that we worked closely with their team to make sure everything was super approved.
We don't have a cap on how many can go out on our end but I will say the armor isn't easy to get something I think everyone might have already assumed with its return. This is a long term goal armor set, not something one can just pop in and grab.


New Member
Most important question from my point of view: Can I be certain that I can do this on my own time and budget, or do I have to reckon with the possibility that production of these unlimited items will be ended one day without announcement, usually by choking off supply of some essential ingredient? I don't want to enter in a race of who can spend the most money the fastest. If there is any planned cap, it needs to be known now.

About tail tip drops: Been testing this a bit and found nothing has changed from how it's been for a while now. I get about one per 200 kills of Weak Paneleon with an amped Barbarella or TT gun. This lines up nicely with the daily mission(s) on them. I suspect you can shoot yourself in the foot by trying to speed-kill them with stronger weapons which lowers your efficiency. My understanding is that this was designed as a funding source for low-level players and hope it is kept this way. If you're impatient, also about collecting badges, thus demonstrating you have no interest in the planet itself, your shortcut is buying the end product.

Been getting 1/k kills at most using low lvl guns so...


Sandal San Tolk
to quote myself from the official Cyrene discord-
I can't speak on the behalf of MA, but what I can say is that we worked closely with their team to make sure everything was super approved.
We don't have a cap on how many can go out on our end but I will say the armor isn't easy to get something I think everyone might have already assumed with its return. This is a long term goal armor set, not something one can just pop in and grab.
Thank you, never expected it to be easy, just hopeful that it depends on me and nobody else. I am also confident you did let your partners know that another backstabbing would be their last. I'll be all warm 'n' fuzzy and positive from here on, promised ;)

Can we know the badges requirements for each step, including the plates? Or is there a reason for them being secret? Ideally, I'd like to know what I need to access from the NPC's dialogue that rejects me.

Are Roy Vulker's and ARC Elite Armours still a thing or are they considered obsolete with this project?

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Thank you, never expected it to be easy, just hopeful that it depends on me and nobody else. I am also confident you did let your partners know that another backstabbing would be their last. I'll be all warm 'n' fuzzy and positive from here on, promised ;)

Can we know the badges requirements for each step, including the plates? Or is there a reason for them being secret? Ideally, I'd like to know what I need to access from the NPC's dialogue that rejects me.

Are Roy Vulker's and ARC Elite Armours still a thing or are they considered obsolete with this project?

You can see the badge requirements for each step when it goes live. I've made it a point not to say anything as I don't want people saying information is being shared unfairly. So everyone gets to see together at the same time when it goes live.

As for your question on Roy's and ARC Elite, I wouldn't consider them obsolete as we are still working on them.
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Active Member
Is the upgrade path from stolen imperium to improved imperium still possible?
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New Member
2022-03-01 11:52:20 [#cyrene] [Cyrene Official Shawna] For right now we don't have a system in place to upgrade the stolen armor yet as the higher priority was bringing back the upgrades.

Condolences to all stolen imperium holders out there right now. Hopefully, the team makes this right for you ASAP!


New Member
Are you planning to review droprate of parts needed to make armor?
Tail Tip:
Approx 6200 paneleons killed and 10 tail tips only

Paneleon Pristine Element:

2 parts dropped on 01/02 March and thats all.