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Official Cyrene Event Cyrene Starter Pack Event!


Well i can understand summer holidays and all but... there was enough ppl when the event and the prizes were announced. When event ends there's suddenly nobody who could distribute 25 starter packs?

Sry, i don't buy it.

Migration, one of the biggest events on Caly, is happening right now. Arkadia was running their Smuggler events, now Oratan events. New types of melee amps were distributed to both planets every weekend.
There is ppl at MA office who're not on vacation. Somebody needs to remind them that Cyrene is also a PP. :punish:


Well-Known Member
We all know how sacred is weekend for MA :beerchug: I didn't really expect for them to add prizes until Monday evening.

I notice you didn't specify which monday you expected them? :)
How about a friendly guessing game? I'm guessing it will be august 12th :)
Well, despite of your efforts Kris, it is not working. I am sorry to point out the fact that this delay IS spoiling the reputation of Cyrene events. I really hope that prizes would be distributed sooner though we know delay is from MA side. And yeah it is legit point that if MA is able to manage events and loot distribution on other planets then why not Cyrene ones, might be only 1 person is responsible for Cyrene and is on maternity leaves.
Below is a reply I received a week ago from support:

Thank you for your question. I have forwarded your case to the responsible team for further investigation and they will hopefully give me a reply, however as it is in the middle of the summer progress might be slow due to vacations.

Neo Jr XL

..just imagine frustration that most responsive(ble) PP has while dealing with MA on such (non)-eventfull issue.., I'm sure if it were Cyrene issue it would have been resolved in 24h.., they should have bought out Calypso (MA) ...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This is really out of our hands, we don't have the power to spawn any sort of loot, only MindArk does. We want to get the prizes out as soon as we can but at the moment there is nothing that we (Planet Cyrene) can do.



Well-Known Member
Finally after long wait received my set of prize :) thanks.
Was hoping MA would give something additional to compensate the delay but its OK :p

Were you on cyrene when you got it? And how were you notified/ where did you find it?
Nothing here so far :(
The new theory is that they hand out one prize a month to avoid getting stressed out too much :)