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Cyrene Summer 2022 VU Preview

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hey guys,

I want to share some of the upcoming new editions and changes to Planet Cyrene that will be in the next Planet Partner Version Update.

The Zekkonians have been busy, not only being able to provide harvesting tools for Planet Cyrene, but allowing players to collect wood in 3 major places on the planet as well as a few scattered areas throughout.

With the rise of activity from the Imperium, A.R.C & Zekkonian Ministry have come together to keep watch and close tabs on the growing faction. Players can speak with Tanhok Warleader Kyzrin for missions to disrupt the Imperial plans.Loyal A.R.C. Soldiers are able to earn unique buffs from this area per day that will greatly help their combat prowess by doing unique missions.


Next, the acidic jelly worms have begun to wreak havoc at their spawning grounds. Burning the earth and creating toxic pools that have caused some sort of gas to leak out of the surface, as well as multiplying in numbers.

Zyn’Tukano has also been quite busy, they are starting their rituals again and are in dire need of vibrant sweat from Cyrene creatures.

In preparation they’ve also created a designated sweating area just outside the village.

Doing missions for them will not only allow for skill increases, but also open up additional missions to turn in items as well as summon unique creatures for more rewards.

All this along with numerous bug fixes and quality of life improvements. The most player focused one is that the Ecotrons as well as the reward from the Stage Two Epic Mission are now available via quest so players will be able to turn them in without waiting.

We hope you’ve enjoyed a preview of what is to come for the next update.

We also want to note that we are laying down the groundwork for future content that players have been asking for coming later this year.

Thank you for reading and thanks for playing on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
what about drop rate increases for rare items needed for plates? how about increases in crystals to complete the Greater Power Crystal quest to complete the Zorra HK mission? Have the issues with the ARC vendors in the hub not having their inventories refilled been addressed?


Active Member
what about drop rate increases for rare items needed for plates? how about increases in crystals to complete the Greater Power Crystal quest to complete the Zorra HK mission? Have the issues with the ARC vendors in the hub not having their inventories refilled been addressed?

Looks like a promising update.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just to touch on some of these:

yesssssssssssssss, but... dont forget any mode to obtain BPs from old Iron Missions... (plasma weapon and some vehicle bp)

In the queue, right now we've needed to wait for the grace period to be over before we could move forward. Should be something we can tackle later this year.

...and...and...and...and a small backpack with a bone, such in red and white checkers:clap:

Sounds like a cool idea, no promises though but we do need a backpack here =)

what about drop rate increases for rare items needed for plates?

It's something that we're always keeping track of and in communication about with MindArk.

how about increases in crystals to complete the Greater Power Crystal quest to complete the Zorra HK mission?

There's been some stealth buffs in the background for this, again something we're keeping an eye on.

Have the issues with the ARC vendors in the hub not having their inventories refilled been addressed?

In regards to the Unlimited Weapons yes, the other item stocks seemed fine from the A.R.C. vendors. To elaborate a little further, as Shawna's AMAA that was cross posted here:
by SEVNERD, The Tanhok Trader and all the Ecotrons from the A.R.C. Vendors will now be guaranteed via missions (provided you have met the requirements).

Looks like a promising update.




Cyrene Crusader
Another great VU for Cyrene! The planet is really moving in the right direction :) Of course there's always something to complain about (drop rates and what not), but overall Cyrene is becoming a mainstay in EU, a place to settle. One BIG wish for future VUs: More shops! I'd like to see an array of armatrix weapons sold here.
Great work on the update! But I would like to see more new blueprints on Cyrene possibly a line of weapons?
ozpyn (L) craftable weapons, possibly some new furniture blueprints?

Also if possible can you adjust the texture blueprints?
It’s almost impossible to use any of the Cyrene textures even Curd after doing all 6 mang chang stages hasnt even been able to get enough texture to use 323 on one thing, that’s some really pricy textures then there is a few others that are the same like Zeladoth leather texture it takes 1 perfect hide which is =14.1 ped per click

(not that I’ve been able to use many of the Cyrene textures)

It’s going to take a lot of time an ped to use one Cyrene texture

Many Chang hide= 1 ped tt =3 ped per click
Perfect hide=4.70 ped tt =14.10 ped per click
Paneleon hide =1ped tt = 3 ped per click
Rhino beatle hide=1ped tt = 3 ped per click
Flesh ripper hide= 4.70 ped tt = 14.10 per click
Creature hide= 4.70 ped tt = 14.10 ped per click
Rough hide= 4.70 ped tt = 14.10 ped per click

most of these blue prints 100 clicks on a blueprint that is 14.10 per click is 1401.00 ped who is going to buy the texture when it cost more then the item you are texturing? Honestly will 100 clicks even get you enough to give a full field?

I could be wrong an if so I apologize in advance!

These are more reasonable

Swamplurker hide= .06 ped tt
Crystal pede hide= .05 ped tt
Jelly worm hide = .075 ped tt

then compare to other planets textures the cost is massive on Cyrene.. not complaining as I do love the planet however I’m curious as to why such high tt values on all the hides except for 3 I believe , if I have left any out please correct me as mistakes happen :)

I love that the guns are no longer through the terminal I had a few friends waiting a long time for the tanhok mission it is a great move to change it! That way players aren’t stuck waiting months or longer to get the hard earned reward!
I really enjoy seeing the planet grow! It’s changed a lot in the last few years!
Thank you for everything!

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Great work on the update! But I would like to see more new blueprints on Cyrene possibly a line of weapons?
ozpyn (L) craftable weapons, possibly some new furniture blueprints?
Firstly thank you for the kind words!:loveshower:
While we love the idea of more Blueprints for a line of weapons on Cyrene it is something we need to look deeper into as it can affect things on a grander universe wide scale, so it will require a bit of balancing by both us and MA.
As you saw this VU brought in some new furniture blueprints and more will be coming in the future!

Also if possible can you adjust the texture blueprints?
It’s almost impossible to use any of the Cyrene textures even Curd after doing all 6 mang chang stages hasnt even been able to get enough texture to use 323 on one thing, that’s some really pricy textures then there is a few others that are the same like Zeladoth leather texture it takes 1 perfect hide which is =14.1 ped per click

The textures are something we can take a look at but its tricky to change items that are currently already out and in players hands. So we want to make sure that if/when we do these changes it won’t break the game for anyone.:eek:

Stay safe out there:bye:


Cyrene Crusader
The textures are something we can take a look at but its tricky to change items that are currently already out and in players hands. So we want to make sure that if/when we do these changes it won’t break the game for anyone.:eek:


Here you have the solution: 1) Make the 7 hides in question refineable into 10x their number, same total tt value. AND 2) Just change the value of the textures to 1/10 of current value, but make them drop in same tt value (bigger stacks).

3) Make the old texture BPs tradeable 1:1 with new ones with same amount of hide (thus 1/10 of tt value) to some bp avatar. The BP issue can also be circumvented by making L versions of these BPs instead, and just make the old UL BPs stop dropping entirely.

The refineable/texture with new tt value can be added "Fine", "Skreel" and "Crude" respectfully in the name to distingush them from the old ones.

Many Chang Fine hide= 0.1 ped tt =0.3 ped per click
Perfect Fine hide=0.470 ped tt =1.41 ped per click
Paneleon Fine hide =0.1ped tt = 0.3 ped per click
Rhino beatle Fine hide= 0.1ped tt = 0.3 ped per click
Flesh ripper Fine hide= 0.47 ped tt = 1.41 per click
Skreel hide= 0.47 ped tt = 1.41 ped per click
Rough Crude hide= 0.47 ped tt = 1.41 ped per click

Like Timegazer says, these are useless now, i.e. TT food. Too bad really. I'd definitely like to see ripper or skreel texture applied to my coat!
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Hey guys,

The Zekkonians have been busy, not only being able to provide harvesting tools for Planet Cyrene, but allowing players to collect wood in 3 major places on the planet as well as a few scattered areas throughout.

Those images are removed. As a returning player can I get some information about where those 3 places are?