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Cyrene turnover fluctuations


Active Member
I'd just like to dwell on current turnover fluctuations a little.
It seems our little universe is very prone to very quick flow changes around the planets, depending on what is happening.

Cyrene has gone from massive turnovers, according to globals stats, to very little again in a matter of weeks. From paneleon stats, for example, just a few players on the bigger ones arriving, shooting, then leaving again, can result in the stats dropping to just 1% or so of what they were only a fortnight earlier. We are now back to mostly weak and young paneleons again now, and unique globallers planetwide down from almost 200 to below 50. It is thus not only fleeting simultaneous visits by a group of massive spenders, but overall too.

Cyrene is currently back to not even tracking globals for periods of time again, though, so it is hard to know what the true figures would be on constant tracking, but I think it's safe to say it is low again. I also realise there's a mayhem on that is accessible universally, but this has become rather regular too now.

Is this a happy place for the planet to be in? The forum has also been blowing tumbleweed around these last couple of weeks.
I was, briefly, thinking about how to increase the markets and tradeability of Cyrene stuff, but if things are going to repeatedly fizzle out, then it's not an ongoing thing to attempt.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
All 6 booths are unoperated, it kills the planet economy. Poor planning all around.
Why not lease the booths like I originally suggested? That would ensure a thriving economy.

instead we have 5 incompetent and lazy owners, and one inactive one running the only shops on the planet into the ground.

we need a shop that buys components and sells them for crafting

we need a weapon shop

we need Juan to restock his enhancer shop

Cyrene is never going to explode and get more users, so waiting for more users to sell the estates is just a bad idea. You want more users? Sell the estates so you can get at least 1 functional shop…


Active Member
Yeah, it pains me to see theoretically useful stuff/potential go to waste. I'm almost glad those shops tents are half hidden at what I call the "101 of how not to supply depot" (my inner jokes are sometimes a bit weird, but some will understand).

I may be attracted away again by a different pp for a while, so I may be comparing what works better or worse at generating activity and where it is. Ah well ...
P.S. - I DO like some of the concepts and content here, so all is not lost... just a bit lacking (turnovers etc.).


New Member
Well, regarding OP, I hope the drop of action is due to the Helloween mayhem :) Also, before Mayhem, there was that snow base event on Cyrene, that had some effect too I believe.

Regarding shops, I would love to try running a shop on Cyrene :) The way booths were introduced - idk, it felt a bit exclusive :) But I guess that it will be exclusive too when they release more shops/estates :)