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Cyrene Upcoming Token Changes

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm going to try and answer some of these =)

Is this token update happening with this update vu 14.7? Doesn't seem like it since it's a platform update...

The token update is NOT happening today, it will happen at the next Planet Partner VU.

And please, Kris - correct me if I'm wrong :headbang:

That's the way that I understand it as well, but I'll try and get clarification.

I don't think it would hurt anyone to try and consolidate the tokens that they do currently have into one place =)

this token transfer should be made via <Trade to NPC> action, so players would manage its quiantities not to lose in transfer.
But this would not remove Zyna and Impreium tokens form the game tho

One of the reasons we're not doing it that way is to avoid the type of situations that George and Harmony bring up. This way the transition is much smoother and everyone can start using the new currency right away. If we had NPCs to trade it to it can lead to exploits or quests bugging out, etc.
