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Cyrene Vendor Item Updates

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I got word from one of my contacts at MindArk about the Cyrene Vendor Items. They are telling me that vendor items are filling but they are filling at a rate that makes them seem empty a lot of the time. We aren't aware of how this is being calculated as Planet Partners are not allowed to fully know how the loot drops work.

This is all the information I have at this time.



Sandal San Tolk
Thank you... I am trying to understand this. Is the filling of these vendors somehow tied to the loot system?


Well-Known Member
what does it mean ?
it concerning arc vendor rank 3 too ?

More pple must hunt in Cyrene ? And it's filling at the next VU or when player reach a certains goal ?
Well, if it is part of the loot system... I believe most of us would not object if vendors got refilled more often at the expense of somewhat fewer guns dropping in hunting loot. Especially low level BLP guns that go straight to TT anyway.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i would assume its down to player activity, when a certain threashold of turnover is hit, an item is restocked. The higher quality of the item the higher threashold requried set by MA.

This would explain why Caly and Ark dont have the restock issues as they have bigger turnovers


Well-Known Member
Really Kris,

you have to admit that update is really lame. One new gun every month for all players might be 100% technically correct being labelled as refilling, but in reality it means nothing.

As long as i can get enough tokens in a day to buy a gun. There should be at least 10 new guns added each day.
If MA can't do that, make sure there are more uses for those tokens. Maybe do like calypso and just add another 50 different weapons to the vendor?

The current situation is just rediculous, i don't care about mechs, but i would tell MA no hard launch till they fix the token issues we've had for years now.


The concept of the vendor items was flawed from the start. As I said when you first announced them, if these items were available to anyone who gets to the required token level, the consequences for the wider economy are potentially disastrous. It would effectively be a TT from which you could purchase high(er) level items, making anything comparable but looted or crafted worthless, in terms of markup.

If MA are preventing you from flooding the market with these items then it's to their credit, though really what they should have done is told you that you weren't allowed to do it in the first place.

The best thing would be for you to entirely scrap this ridiculous and dangerous idea.

Bakh Baccus

New Member
The concept of the vendor items was flawed from the start. As I said when you first announced them, if these items were available to anyone who gets to the required token level, the consequences for the wider economy are potentially disastrous. It would effectively be a TT from which you could purchase high(er) level items, making anything comparable but looted or crafted worthless, in terms of markup.

If MA are preventing you from flooding the market with these items then it's to their credit, though really what they should have done is told you that you weren't allowed to do it in the first place.

The best thing would be for you to entirely scrap this ridiculous and dangerous idea.

I don't think Kris is talking about UL items. I think the chances of those coming out are slim.

We're talking about L items here, and how MA's algoithm for refilling vendors is screwed on Cyrene. I compltely agree with Harmony, the system is just ridiculous. If UL weapons take so much time to get, why not allow introduce other items for which tokens could be used - some L plates or amps, or even mining gear!


I don't think Kris is talking about UL items. /.../
We're talking about L items here, /.../ I compltely agree with Harmony, the system is just ridiculous. If UL weapons take so much time to get, why not ...
I'm definitely positively certain about one thing - can't see how this could possibly get any more confusing!
(but I'm ready for surprises)



Well-Known Member
if these items were available to anyone who gets to the required token level, the consequences for the wider economy are potentially disastrous.

AHAHAHAHAAHAHA Big laught !:rofl:

There is no market in Cyrene ! They don't want ! No shop, no event, nothing for fun and people leave the planet month after month because nothing change....

I was, if i trust entropia life, in the top ten of the most hunter in cyrene. Now i am bored because all days i must do the same thing day after day. No new thing, no new stuff and less people ... Where is the fun ?


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely positively certain about one thing - can't see how this could possibly get any more confusing!
(but I'm ready for surprises)


Ah yes to clarify my post, i'm not talking about the vendors that are accessible in the HUB for the A.R.C. Missions.
My beef is with the regular vendors planet side, that sell two crappy weapons (well they theoretically sell them :))


Sandal San Tolk
I might be in a state of denial or disbelief, but I still have trouble grokking this. There is a "vendor", which by the word idea this represents is supposed to hold some stock for you to purchase in exchange for some currency. You have to qualify for the right to access it, fine. But in reality, whether he has anything for you depends on chance, not on your buying power. Is this a roughly accurate description of the state of being? If yes, this is exactly what life under communism was like just before it collapsed... Lucky we're not dealing in existential needs here.

Arkadia now has these Smuggler missions. If you haven't heard about it, head over to their forum and read the relevant threads. It's basically a system which at the beginning looks like the same idea, i.e. you have to fulfill a certain amount of activity to qualify for access to another stage where you can obtain certain items. Only there it is a set of instances where you can hunt to loot these items (special armor parts and plates). People moan about the drop rates and the cost as always, but they are game. There is the thrill of fighting for it, while here you just get a shrug 999 out of 1000 times, or whatever.

Tell me I still got it wrong, but if not, is it a wonder players have difficulties with acceptance? To me it doesn't look like as if Cyrene devs had wanted it to be this way, but somehow ran into red tape with MA along the way when it was already too late to retract, and now they aren't even allowed to talk about it. This of course fuels all kinds of unhealthy speculation. Isn't there a way to just clear everything up, mop up the mess and restart? I'm sure something much better can come out of it. Don't kill the excitement, you want to make a living off it after all.


Well-Known Member
I don't complain about the drop rates, i accept this part of the game. It is not good, for me, to tell a player do a thing for earn something. You do your part and when you reach the goal you have nothing. This is not fair. I don't have time for that, i prefer spend my time on something other, where i can get fun or a real reward. It's hard and bored to get tokens or arc badge every days during alot month. And when you get a decent amonth or those, you can't get what they you promise :(

Now there is thre way, they removed all vendor or they filled them or they change item on them. It's my view and i don't want read : It's not easy to do that... They always say that.

I don't want something easy, most of players don't want that too. We want challenge like the Tanhok epic mission chain, i think they forget : This is a game for us ! A game = something fun. This is not a work for me, my real work is better ! I just want play and get fun.

I am disapointed about Cyrène. I will start a new experience at Arkadia. Smuggler and Aakas challenge work fine.
There is a "vendor", which by the word idea this represents is supposed to hold some stock for you to purchase in exchange for some currency. You have to qualify for the right to access it, fine. But in reality, whether he has anything for you depends on chance, not on your buying power. Is this a roughly accurate description of the state of being? If yes, this is exactly what life under communism was like just before it collapsed... Lucky we're not dealing in existential needs here.

To some extent, yes.

Once you reached a certain rank within the communist party nomenclature (ru:номенклатура - this word was commonly used to denote people in high ranks), you gained access to the 'special distribution facility', literally 'special distributor' (spetsraspredelitel', ru:спецраспределитель) where certain goods appeared much more frequently than in trade terminals. Some, but not all, goods were always in stock there.

However, there are significant differences:
  • the number of people in ranks was limited. No matter what activity you'd have performed and how many badges earned, there could be only so many secretaries of gorkom (ru:горком, short of городской комитет 'city committee');
  • communist party was the only significant faction. Even though there were some minor parallel distribution systems e.g. in merchant fleet, large factories etc.), CPSU didn't have to worry about competition from other factions, much less other planets;
  • reselling goods obtained from closed distribution systems was banned and harshly punished.

I'm not yet sure what to make of this (need more coffee) but this comparison might well yield some useful insights.


Hey guys,

I got word from one of my contacts at MindArk about the Cyrene Vendor Items. They are telling me that vendor items are filling but they are filling at a rate that makes them seem empty a lot of the time. We aren't aware of how this is being calculated as Planet Partners are not allowed to fully know how the loot drops work.

This is all the information I have at this time.


I dont understand why this ARC vendors and items is a part of loot pool game system ...the players who have do the missions and PAY to gain/awarded the whole number of Badges and have gained the right to can buy/exchange ATLEAST for THE THEIR FIRST ARC ARMOR as the subscription of THE MISSION SAYS (WHY ITS NOT THERE ALL THE PARTS???)!!!!


Faceof is Dynamic...:angry:
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Bakh Baccus

New Member
Why not make the cost of items go up or make tokens harder to get? That way, the risk of "over populating" the market will be fixed.

Bakh Baccus

New Member
Just FYI, I found 1 Laser Scorp at the Vendor today. I checked the MU, and it seems that there have been 6 sold this week. So the vendors were filled, and possibly even refilled, hence my 1 find.