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Cyrene Water's Edge often greater then 60 degrees.


Active Member
Just curious if Cyrene's Planet Partners (or any PP) were kept in the loop about MindArks planned new Camera & Control System Preview and Guides???

That discussion there has a lot of good feedback which includes a rather large population against the planned:
"Slope run speed penalty has been removed. Avatars cannot traverse slopes higher than 60 degrees."

And the response by Dennis|MindArk - "Avatar run speed had too many variables and one of our goals is to speed up many aspects of avatar control. It felt like the avatar stuttered sometimes due to uneven terrain. For climbing I can understand that pushing yourself up a cliff was a bit fun but not for content when trying to create the world where we are not sure if the player can traverse or not. Future terrain changes will now have this in mind and it is easier for a player to know if they can/should follow a specific path or not. Climbing, jetpacks or tools are a better way of solving this in the future instead of avatars very slowly walking up steep hills." (Page 8 post #75)

Are PP Cyrene's devs planning on flattening out Cyrene to avoid the flood of support questions, and posts in forums regarding movement issues?

Especially around all the riverbanks, ocean shorelines, and lakeshores?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Hec,

Just curious if Cyrene's Planet Partners (or any PP) were kept in the loop about MindArks planned new Camera & Control System Preview and Guides???

That discussion there has a lot of good feedback which includes a rather large population against the planned:
"Slope run speed penalty has been removed. Avatars cannot traverse slopes higher than 60 degrees."

And the response by Dennis|MindArk - "Avatar run speed had too many variables and one of our goals is to speed up many aspects of avatar control. It felt like the avatar stuttered sometimes due to uneven terrain. For climbing I can understand that pushing yourself up a cliff was a bit fun but not for content when trying to create the world where we are not sure if the player can traverse or not. Future terrain changes will now have this in mind and it is easier for a player to know if they can/should follow a specific path or not. Climbing, jetpacks or tools are a better way of solving this in the future instead of avatars very slowly walking up steep hills." (Page 8 post #75)

We were informed about these coming changes some time ago.

Are PP Cyrene's devs planning on flattening out Cyrene to avoid the flood of support questions, and posts in forums regarding movement issues?

Especially around all the riverbanks, ocean shorelines, and lakeshores?

View attachment 3294

It's something we plan to do before the next PP VU.



Active Member
Thanks Kris for the info.
Seems like a lot of work for what appears to be an unwanted change by the customers.
Well best of luck.