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CyreneMap.com 2017




URL: Cyrenemap.com
  • Simple User Interface
  • Layers option to show Teleporter Locations
  • Quick Draw Location Markers with [GPS/POS Data]
  • Filter by creature maturity
  • No Registration Required
This project would not have been possible without support from my "Death Lords" society friends [Bobbyjoe] & [Baradhuhr], cheers guys in helping me create my first website!

I hope you all find this site useful.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Broken!

I must say that is a epic map you have pieced together. I also heard you spent months putting it together; well done!

- Lilmc


Hey Broken!

I must say that is a epic map you have pieced together. I also heard you spent months putting it together; well done!

- Lilmc

Thank you, it took many attempts to reach where it is now; in-game weather conditions, lighting and flight paths were just a few of the challenges along the way. Hopefully you will be able to get it added to the client loader so all 'new landers' can see it and jump straight into the action. It's definitely a positive upgrade from all those sticky notes i used before.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I still like Thanatos's map better, I dunno. Maybe I am just stubborn.

Would you be willing to send that map image to Thanatos so the cyrenesecrets map can have the higher resolution?


Fate Thanatos Themis
Thx guys but past recent months or even longer i was not active in game, and here also, so I appreciate the nice comments and you offer brokencode, but taking your map image, probably could cut your wings a bit in developing your map content. I think that your work it is very important, since i fail to focus on Entropia right now. Maybe when i feel im back, ill ask you to share, and it would be great if you do so!
Anyway, atm work and raising a kid takes alot of my energy, and all i want at the evenings is to chill out a bit playing FPS, or something. If you are interested how it goes, I gonna try to stream a bit, mostly Ghost in the Shell and Entropia, so maybe the fact that some1 will be watching, will push me to play it more.
About my map, i plan to remove the login requirement soon, which was needed for some reason before, but not anymore, i hope. Aslo i switch to public the map i had before as premium one for donators, but still it's quite outdated. To access the map use this link now http://cyrenesecrets.com/premium-cyrene-map/ or just click the map image like it worked before.
Best of luck guys!
Last edited:


map offline for a while, waiting reply from Cyrene management team.


Map back online,

  • Should now cache various things to avoid having to download stuff that have not changed.
  • Added a landing page with a different view of the map which looks like a spinning planet.
  • Couple of creatures added/updated
  • Leaving Risen island as low res, so you can see the original map detail level.
  • Flying fortress moved to match patches/changes
  • All adverts removed, this will hopefully fast track request for site to be added to Entropia Client Loader.
If you don't see changes listed above or think there is an issue, refresh the page with Control + F5 before contacting support@cyrenemap.com.

As always if something has moved, or if you find a new creature or location then contact me with the details and I will update the site.


Looks like it needs renewal.

brokencode, please contact me ingame if you are interested, I can donate some more peds to help this great site running.


I can host this on my own website or get HoG to host it on the entropedia in tools section. If anyone could tell the original owner to contact me i would try to make that happen.
