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Hi Kris and team, after pointing a new member to cyrenesecrets.com in a post yesterday it got me thinking about how it hasnt been updated in a long time so i got to thinking (which hurts :confused: lol) about weather you or one of the devs could reach out to Thanatos if he is no longer active in game for what ever reason and seeing if he would grant you access to the site so that it could be updated on a regular basis, it would certainly help newcomers as well as older and i'm sure veteran cyeneans alike if it was. Just a thought to kick off the week.
Oh and it would be interesting to see what others may think as well.
I've never seen it except when people tell you to go there when someone asks a question. I've found for the most part, at least lately for the community to be helpful. I know that I for one try to answer if I know...even if the question seems to always be "where did the old pans spawn go?" 5 times a day.


Hi guys, i just thought it would be good to update the site if possible, there have been a lot of changes recently and even though the community is very helpful, myself included when i can, there will be times when a question is asked that no one currently on knows the answer to. I also didn't realize Thanatos was still active so thats my bad, guess it must be a time thing which is understandable, in which case Kris or one of the other devs helping out would certainly be a good thing, if i knew what to do and how to do it i would offer to help as i have time on my hands now thanks to a combination of health condition i've been diagnosed with and the virus costing me my job, but unfortuately i don't.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just to let everyone know I've already reached out to Thanatos about helping to update CyreneSecrets.com

We're compiling the data for him and and will go over the other aspects of the site together so the map and information is up to date.



Sandal San Tolk
EntropiaWiki does get updated continuously, everybody can register there and contribute. CyreneSecrets is a great fansite but relying on it for data puts a burden on its creator I wouldn't expect anyone to uphold forever.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Just to let everyone know I've already reached out to Thanatos about helping to update CyreneSecrets.com

We're compiling the data for him and and will go over the other aspects of the site together so the map and information is up to date.

EntropiaWiki does get updated continuously, everybody can register there and contribute. CyreneSecrets is a great fansite but relying on it for data puts a burden on its creator I wouldn't expect anyone to uphold forever.
http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/EntropiaPlanets_Wiki might be a better alternative in some ways since Entropiawiki has been known to previously go down from time to time when moved from one server to another, and has been infected with at least one malware over the last several years...

Honestly, a better solution would be to simply put together an informational section here in the forums or create your own Planetary wiki linked to this forum as any site not run by your own hands is likely to get outdated or die over time...

(Not to mention it puts a bad taste in the community's mouths when you are spoon feeding special content to any one site owner... especially one that is known to possibly have an affiliate link from Mindark's affiliate program that was originally promised to everyone but only got handed out to about 3-5 people total ever... ESPECIALLY one that is known to have been banned form Planetcalypsoforum for spreading affiliate links in many posts... https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/search.php?searchid=23207123 - could potentially be a different avatar, but the maze map is attributed to the same guy... http://cyrenesecrets.com/cyrene-maze-map-by-rusty-venture/ ?... (alt user potentially?)... from what I remember he created a bunch of tutorials including but not limited to the cyrene secrets blog/site for the sole purpose of commercializing/advertising that link?)

Remember what happened when Mindark started giving access 'special information' to MS9/DME/(ALT AVATAR USER THAT GRADUATED AT LEAST ONE OR MORE AVATARS USING PEDS GIVEN BY A PLANET PARTNER) earlier than anyone else in the entire community? ...


Nothing personal MS9, but frankly I'm disappointed that MindArk and/or Planet Calypso AB see fit to give you - or any other player - pre-publication information for your own personal website in advance of advising the whole of their client base by publication on their own site.


http://www.entropiaplanets.com/the-big-picture/ - info on who else had affiliate links...
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Sandal San Tolk
EntropiaWiki is not entirely problem-free but the defacto go-to place for most Entropians, and as said quite a number of players are busy-bees editing it. Where sympathies are is a different matter, as with the various forums and PCF. Though it didn't occur to me above to think of the intricate connection between EP and this place, so yes maybe there is a good point for its official blessing. How about all the relevant people sort this out among themselves and let us know which site they opted for?


Fate Thanatos Themis
Hello guys,
yeah it's been a while i played EU last time, so i wasn't updating the cyrenesecrets as well. Times are not too nice for all of us in RL, so putting peds in testing things in EU stresses me out alot, esp when returns were kinda poor last time i checked.
But, i'll update the map a bit, ofc not all at once, but in time it will get more relevant ;)
I hope u all are good in RL, and in EU as well.
Cheers, T.


Fate Thanatos Themis
Hello folks,

i updated the map tile with most mob spots, some are missing or misleading for sure, but the more i play more i update, so let the Lootious save my ped ;)

Temporarily i removed mining spots overlay, cuz it was way too into the ocean after recent changes in lands areas. I like mining, so i gonna update that too :)

Biggest pain in the back is mission's NPC locations, their names and missions itself, so i guess it gonna take me the longest time. I wish we had just terminals like ARK have with all stuff put in one place, except missions related to special story NPC :shots:

Well that's it for a while, if you have questions, ideas, or data that i could add or fix on the map, post it below please :thumbup:

Cheers, T.


Hi Thanatos
Male Zeladoth missions, New and yet Familiar,
Mission giver Tom Weaver Turrelion Docks tp (just south of ARC Staging) he is at 138832,76886.
Cyrene Male Zeladoth.JPG

Top to bottom,
L21 Devastator, L19 Ravager, L13 Watcher, L15 Soldier, L11 Weak, L10 Roaming seem to be random in all areas.