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Bug Report Daily quests resets only after relog


Travelling through time...
That's about it - Daily quests resets only after relog. Can wait forever after 24h mark and can't access any of it as long as I don't relog. And another thing - when i spend a few days on another planet and then come back to Cyrene - all daily missions are still in cooldown phase until I relog.


Active Member
I have written down the times of receiving my tokens each day, and sometimes returned a bit early 24 hours later. I didn't have to relog, but noticed that sometimes the mission broker activated a few minutes after the 24 hours.
On Caly there is at least one daily mission which resets after less than 24 hours, so people who play at the same time each day can repeat the mission daily without the timer getting later and later until they must skip a day.... a possibility for the Cyrene dailies please?


Travelling through time...
No. What i ment was that after 2 days afk period I log in on Calypso, fly back to Cyrene and my daily missions were still on cooldown period.