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Decay of Imperium Fast FAP correct ?


Heya devs,

is the decay of the Imperium FAST FAPs correct ?

i tested an V3... very nice Speed at 27 / min... it has same heal per second as a gyro-fap 35, but ist SIB starts 20 Levels lower :)

but at actual decay it is only half as eco as H.E.A.R.T FAP, or 25 % below Gyro-Faps and the UR Series... Is it intented to be like that ?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Jeanni!

I believe that they are correct.

The latest healing tools that were released (Imperium Fast Fap and Imperium Reliable Fap) demonstrate more of the two schools of though that we have when developing Faps.

Above Average reload time and/or healing done at the cost of decay.

Above Average decay at the cost of healing done and/or reload time.

Of course this effects SIB levels and everything else =)

I hope this answers your question!



ok, thanks. ya... answers my question. Those are nice for the lower levelled fappers then.

now go, and release something similar to imp/mod fap please :) ... could be L too for a start ;-)