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Bug Report december 2013 bugs


Dave Neuromancer
graphics bug on the Imperium pilots. When the carbine is held across the chest the barrel suddenly lengthens, and when at the side the gun really gets bent out of shape.

Clayton Chubby Pugster

Old School Gamer
I have had the chance to try the Hub Proving Grounds instance. It is a fun instance and Ace gave me a tour and killed me swiftly, lol.

I am not certain if that instance is to give players of different skill levels an equal PvP playing field, but as a 3 week noob, i looked at all the PvP TT weapons and they were al 0/10, 0/10 ability scores. I have Laser sniper hit lvl 10 but the still 0/10 0/10, on the laser weapons and also a diminished ability on the fap heals.

So i am not sure if this is a valid bug or not, maybe i have to purcase the weapons before my skills are indicated, but that does not make sence, just that maybe a noob is not playing at a level playing field as vets.

Other than that it was a blast, but taking a knife to a grenade launcher fight reminded me of the movie "The Running Man". See u in there if u can catch me.

George Skywalker

Active Member
and killed me swiftly, lol.
Lies I tell ya all lies, my finger slipped on grenade launcher...like repeatedly!

I am not certain if that instance is to give players of different skill levels an equal PvP playing field, but as a 3 week noob, i looked at all the PvP TT weapons and they were al 0/10, 0/10 ability scores. I have Laser sniper hit lvl 10 but the still 0/10 0/10, on the laser weapons and also a diminished ability on the fap heals.

I know I said it's probably a bug but looking at the skill requirements for proving ground weapons they state minimum requirement of 11. So for knife you'd need a min of 11 knife fighter hit and damage. That's if you had the tt knife. Not sure what the stats are for the free knife you got. You'll need to look at the stat window for that knife.

I had assumed the tt weapons here would be skill requirement of 1 or something. So my apologies for incorrect assumptions and not checking the stats...

George Skywalker

Active Member
Proving grounds today had zero tokens spawning. After about 4 hours I gave up gonna have a look again now but from someone else who was in here they also said zero tokens spawning.

So proving grounds may be bugged (if it's not intentional)...


Well-Known Member
Especially for you George:


But seriously, i noticed that the token dropping isn't contstant. Not over the three spawning points, and not on the same timeframe.

George Skywalker

Active Member
But seriously, i noticed that the token dropping isn't contstant. Not over the three spawning points, and not on the same timeframe.

I'm inclined to believe it's some kind of a bug because it's zero tokens dropping today. Low drop rate is one thing but none looks more like a bug especially when yesterday they were still dropping. Albeit lower drop rate but were still there. To suddenly go to none has to be abnormal...


Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to believe it's some kind of a bug because it's zero tokens dropping today. Low drop rate is one thing but none looks more like a bug especially when yesterday they were still dropping. Albeit lower drop rate but were still there. To suddenly go to none has to be abnormal...

Oh i agree, just didn't posted it clearly enough. It seems to fix itself after some time though (maybe a daily reset of a server or so?)


Dave Neuromancer
A Tale of Legends dialogue

The Merfolken were much more ruthless then... should be than

...all counts Lazidol has... should be had

George Skywalker

Active Member
I am unable to upload/attach images on this forum. I was trying to attach jpeg files but no matter what size it is I always get upload error. Doesn't specify the exact error just says in red, "The following error occured". Then below that on next line, "There was a problem uploading your file" and finally on next line the name of the file.

Anyway what I wanted to report were visual bugs in the proving grounds. I'll have to wait to explain the bugs fully until I can upload pics.

Hagbard Celine

New Member
There is a terrain bug at 128238, 89165 that looks like a knee-high wall of grass from one side, invisible form other side. If you run into it from invisible side, you get stuck.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We're working with MindArk to see what is causing the token spawners to behave this way.

Otherwise we're working on fixing these other bugs!



Well-Known Member
PRINT SCREEN 2013-12-27 13-55-44.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2013-12-27 13-56-13.jpg (137943,86443,124)

terrain and mobs and avatar flicker and other odd behavior at this location. medium settings.

more noticeable in 3rd person view


Well-Known Member
  • When (finally) completing the Ultimate N00b challenge it says:Head Back for your reward, it should be head back.
  • Also the return marker is 20 metres off from the questgiver
  • On the reward text is says: Well that's is just great. The second 'is' shouldn't be there.
  • is says i have taken out nuances I think you mean nuisances
  • Final text tells me to talk to the grunt to the left, but there is no grunt there
@kris: if you want more help with typos, you really should consider not making such hard missions :)
Last edited:


Dave Neuromancer
Harmony - we should sign some sort of non-disclosure agreement with Kris and Cyrene for a proof reading check of text before any VU or patch. Maybe get some noob editing armor as a present hehe.


Well-Known Member
PRINT SCREEN 2013-12-28 6-49-18.jpg

hit box is still a bit odd on these ridged tree dragons auto aim want to aim off of it when coming at them from the side.