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Developer Insights : Booths


Well-Known Member
This means that once six active owners are found then they might keep getting additional time and no one else would have a chance to take advantage of the same opportunity.

Yes i understand. But i think this is not the only one rules.
For example, you have a active booth, but you are not again a "1 - Cyrene Citizen" or if dev want change this avatar "3 - Scavenger Hunt (Developer Lead)", i think they will do it. Do not matter if the booth work or not.

so if it is 6 booths or whatever, and they would normally be 10 slots each, why not just do 30 with 2 slots each?

Do not make sense for me. Booth with 2 items slot... o_O How that will create an economy ? And where to find 30 active and permanent players in the planet for refill these 2 items often.


Well-Known Member
Well, since you didn't found any idea for resolve your issue for over a year, i'll suggest that :

Create X Land Area Squarre maybe 2x3meter or something like that at Stagging or Rookie training or Stagging area and let us put shopkeeper inside. Cyrene really need a market, there is buyers, there is sellers but not often at same time zone.

Auction is not enought because the auction fee is high for sell low quantity or low TT items, that's what the buyers want. MU is high but it's virtual, a big part of the MU is from fee....
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Active Member
at Stagging or Rookie training or Stagging area
that's an already overcrowded npc zone. Duster Station TP was just added, and has some interesting looking buildings... Shops over there and maybe some land plots or booths there or up north around the maze could be interesting area close to where some resupply may be needed quickly in the field?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Well, since you didn't found any idea for resolve your issue for over a year,

There's some stuff happening behind the scenes here that I'm not allowed to talk about yet =)

i'll suggest that :

Create X Land Area Squarre maybe 2x3meter or something like that at Stagging or Rookie training or Stagging area and let us put shopkeeper inside. Cyrene really need a market, there is buyers, there is sellers but not often at same time zone.

I don't see why we couldn't have a few shops near to the new player area, although right inside of it might be confusing to new players.

Auction is not enought because the auction fee is high for sell low quantity or low TT items, that's what the buyers want. MU is high but it's virtual, a big part of the MU is from fee....

that's an already overcrowded npc zone. Duster Station TP was just added, and has some interesting looking buildings... Shops over there and maybe some land plots or booths there or up north around the maze could be interesting area close to where some resupply may be needed quickly in the field?

This guy gets it =)

I'm happy to have gotten this feedback!
