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Disciple Armor + P.I.G.V.


New Member
Where can I find out its characteristics? - Mentors and Disciples - Disciple Armor + P.I.G.V. | Any and all disciples that graduate on Cyrene should now be able to acquire this armor.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Where can I find out its characteristics? - Mentors and Disciples - Disciple Armor + P.I.G.V. | Any and all disciples that graduate on Cyrene should now be able to acquire this armor.

This is bugged ATM, waiting for MA to fix it via the Mini Patch or other means (I'm not sure what they need to implement on their side) however, I can share the stats:

Total TT Value: 28.6 PED
Durability: 2800
Protection Total | 35

Penetration: 3
Impact: 4
Burn: 7
Cut: 7
Stab: 11
Shrapnel: 3



New Member
This is really disappointing. I jest spent 20 ped to fly to Cyrene and finish the my graduation requirements, and was given the pixie and boring truck! Is there any way this can be rectified?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Noi,

This is really disappointing. I jest spent 20 ped to fly to Cyrene and finish the my graduation requirements, and was given the pixie and boring truck! Is there any way this can be rectified?

Of course, we don't want you guys to have pixie either.

A couple of other people had the same issue: >>LINK<<

Here's a some good info about this happening to another planet, and how it was resolved by Angel 02 Mercer:

Do not worry guys, this same thing happened to one of my disciples years ago when Arkadia first introduced the Musca.

We were told that the items were ingame but not activated, mindark swapped the adjusted pixie for the new armor manually (no discovery though).


So I believe this will happen here as well, when I have an update from MA about it, I'll make sure to post in both threads.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I haven't heard anything back from MA yet in regards to this, as soon as I have any information from them I'll post it up ASAP!



This is really disappointing. I jest spent 20 ped to fly to Cyrene and finish the my graduation requirements, and was given the pixie and boring truck! Is there any way this can be rectified?

Disappointing?! Some of us did all the graduation progress on Cyrene and had to go to Ark or Caly to graduate. You paid 20 ped extra for a set with very decent stats,when you could have done it for way less, it was your decision. If I want this set I will have to buy it.

MA will sort ithis out just like they did when Musca first came out and people were getting Pixie for graduating on Ark.