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Bug Report Disciple Armor


New Member
Hi I want to make a report about the disciple rewards ... they are not working as they should and instead of giving the new armor they give a set of pixie adjusted.
I made 90% of the progress in cyrene and I love it, devs if you can help me I would really appreciate it mentoring.JPG

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Choco,

Hi I want to make a report about the disciple rewards ... they are not working as they should and instead of giving the new armor they give a set of pixie adjusted.
I made 90% of the progress in cyrene and I love it, devs if you can help me I would really appreciate itView attachment 3368

Let me talk to MA to see what the issue is, we'll get this resolved for you ASAP.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Magorz,

Hello. I just graduated as well on Cyrene and also got the Pixie armor set instead of getting the new armor.

Thanks for letting us know, we've already posed the info up to MA already and are waiting to see what options we have.

Do not worry guys, this same thing happened to one of my disciples years ago when Arkadia first introduced the Musca.

We were told that the items were ingame but not activated, mindark swapped the adjusted pixie for the new armor manually (no discovery though).



New Member
Good day Cyrene family!

I think, the rewards are influenced by -> What planet you have been starting the account.

So if u started on Calypso -> and you/ your mentor / friend Suggest you to move on Cyrene, you will still get the Calypso Rewards.

(Maybe i`m wrong, but thats what i belive it is.)

Its very important wich planet u was "Born" :)

Don Roger

New Member
Good day Cyrene family!

I think, the rewards are influenced by -> What planet you have been starting the account.

So if u started on Calypso -> and you/ your mentor / friend Suggest you to move on Cyrene, you will still get the Calypso Rewards.

(Maybe i`m wrong, but thats what i belive it is.)

Its very important wich planet u was "Born" :)

My avatar start the mentoring in Arkadia and finished in Cyrene and I got the Calypso reward.


Im Cyrene born, did most of my graduation progress on Cyrene, then because there was no Cyrene graduation armor at the time, flew to Ark to complete it and get a Musca because I thought Musca is better than Pixie for Cyrene mobs.

Dont think where you do your progression and where you were born have anything to do with this bug. Although, in my opinion, you should automatically get the reward for graduation from the planet where you did most of your progression.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey LunaBestPony,

So, from MA nothing?

Not yet, I think and a few other questions in the queue that I'm waiting for.

I looked again at the technical aspects but there's nothing definitive that states exactly how it takes place, however, I would put my belief in both Angel 02 Mercer and Gisela Dawes as I know them to be long time, helpful Entropia players who provide accurate information and feedback.

It doesn't matter where you are born, only where you click the graduate button.

You get the rewards of the planet you chose to graduate on. It doesnt matter where you started.

Of course, for the sake of completion I will post up with MA tells me as well, when I get that information.



New Member
Do not worry guys, this same thing happened to one of my disciples years ago when Arkadia first introduced the Musca.

We were told that the items were ingame but not activated, mindark swapped the adjusted pixie for the new armor manually (no discovery though).

I wish I had the same luck as your disciple I only got this funny answer recently
funny at mindark.JPG

by the way any new news? It seems that in next island the same thing happens with his armor.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Choco,

by the way any new news? It seems that in next island the same thing happens with his armor.

The short answer is that is still in the process of being resolved by MindArk, right now they are doing a great job of switching the armors for players who had the issue, but everything is manual right now so everything is taking time.

I just checked in on some guys from our Discord server this morning and they all had received the correct armor from the players who PM'd me.

I have no personally followed up with MA asking about getting the correct armor on your avatar. Please let me know if there is or isn't any movement on it within the next few days or so.



New Member
Hey Choco,

The short answer is that is still in the process of being resolved by MindArk, right now they are doing a great job of switching the armors for players who had the issue, but everything is manual right now so everything is taking time.

I just checked in on some guys from our Discord server this morning and they all had received the correct armor from the players who PM'd me.

I have no personally followed up with MA asking about getting the correct armor on your avatar. Please let me know if there is or isn't any movement on it within the next few days or so.

Hello, yesterday I opened another ticket and today when I logged in I already had my new armor thanks