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Discovery: A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
PRINT SCREEN 2012-10-10 23-34-46.jpg
After a long day of Exploring i finally got the discovery for this adorable little beast.


Tony "T-Bone" Peralta
61km/h! This thing is a rocket! I wanna make a flying pig joke, but my brain stopped working several hours ago...it's obviously time for bed -_-


Active Member
I made one of each of the new vehicles, the pigv is cool to run in but acts just like any other vehicle at the same speed. The dragon fly is the same as the dragon fly that is already out and the spear 3 is nice but likes to want to flip, even on the beach where it's completely flat, it's acting like the hoverpods when they first came out.