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Do Low Grade Power Supplies come in waves?


again, I have no idea...
I have noticed this a few times now and it is either weird a bug or the way it is planned to work. here's what I noticed.

I was hunting those Scout Bot 100's this afternoon (as I did a couple of times) and I did not get ANY of the Low Grade Power Supplies needed for the crafting mission, so I gave up. Just now I tried them again and got 35 of the Low Grade Power Supplies in about 50 bots, until all of a sudden I do not get any anymore. Not if this was the only time this happened then it could be a freak coincidence, but this has happened to me a few times already.

So, sometimes none at all, then one in almost every kill and after a few you don't get any anymore.

Are these tings meant to come in waves, or am I just looking for things that are not there?


New Member
Yes it's like 6-10 minutes you can grab 'em when it's hot lol.

Didn't detect a pattern like 50 minutes before next power supplies invasion or anything either but yes it's in waves.


again, I have no idea...
good to know, so if I'm in a wave I need to stay there and shoot anything that moves.