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Do these spheres have an official name?


Oberon NightSeer
Entropia 2012-05-16 05-41-55-50.jpg

If not, what to call them?


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Those are the Royal Floating Islands and not accessible yet, but will be a part of the storyline going forward. This is where the Royal Zek Nobles live - their domain if you will - and you will find them in several places on the planet where Zekkonians belong to one or the other tribes of the Zek, or clan of the Zik.

Here is a clear picture of them without the golden (sort of bee-hive texture) covering, which was published in one of my Covert Ops episodes that reveal more about Cyrene.


Hope this helps a bit. :)


Oberon NightSeer
Another pic inside a different sphere. This is the kind of stuff that really catches my interest...whoever dreamed these up gets my vote for EU Prez. I love the force shields, hope they get implemented permanently.

(Insert suggestion here -->) A nice touch would be a mission to each sphere, w/TP transport up and rewards for the puzzle solvers.

Entropia 2012-05-16 18-49-43-59.jpg



Oberon NightSeer
Obie had a vision: When the Zek decide to attack, the force shields will drop and a host of the beasts will descend from their aerial homelands to reclaim their planet.

Only those brave and cunning enough to rise up and attack the Zekky hives will stem their plans for planetary dominion. (or something like that)

Pic: the dual force barriers you might have to get through....good luck!
Entropia 2012-05-16 05-40-42-00.jpg

Looking up we see a powerful shield, and what are those glowing balls?
They rise up and fly away in a powerful stream of light....
Entropia 2012-05-16 05-19-15-27.jpg

Safely landed inside another sphere...this one is pretty barren.
Entropia 2012-05-16 05-19-05-75.jpg



Oberon NightSeer
Mmmkay, just a few more pics...starting to feel like that guy that shows you all his vacation photos.

Pic: Inside one of the smaller spheres. Moon-like surface.
Entropia 2012-05-16 05-34-24-82.jpg

Pic: Inside sphere, beside a pretty waterfall.
Entropia 2012-05-16 18-51-29-63.jpg

Pic: Notice faint glowing ring surrounding my ship, the source of the glowing balls.
Pretty cool eh?
Entropia 2012-05-16 19-19-57-22.jpg


MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Nice photos Obie, but there's one thing missing ... you didn't plant your flag to stake your claim! :p

I really hope the Nobles don't move in while you're exploring, because that could be a bit messy! :wise:

*something tells me that McC is hovering around somewhere*


Oberon NightSeer
Nice photos Obie, but there's one thing missing ... you didn't plant your flag to stake your claim! :p

I really hope the Nobles don't move in while you're exploring, because that could be a bit messy! :wise:

I didn't have my flag that day, so I kinda signed my name in the Zek Noble Leader's house. Since it was so dark inside I also left a light to help future explorers. I bet he's gonna be pissed when he sees someone broke in!

Entropia 2012-05-16 19-38-37-29.jpg
