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Bug Report Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hi, i have an issue completing the above mission, the waypoint i am given at the end of the mission is either the wrong position or the Dr is missing.


Active Member
So if you were to start digging at that way point and go all the way in, you'd have come out at the other end, right in front of him! :D


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Paul Jetman Masters,

Thanks for this info, we'll get the way points resolved for the next PP VU.



Active Member
ahh, you need to buy my special software OS detector VU 11 and it will help you find it. It's probably hidden in a partition somewhere. All U need to do is PM me your credit card number and PIN and Ill get it right over to you.

I accidentally completed this mission by shooting tide claws instead of empis wasps, so I reckon it's broken more than we thought. :)

Also, is the guy Nikolo or Nikola?
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