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Efficient Skilling Questions

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
I'm looking for other players input on efficient skilling methods on Cyrene. Right now I'm working on my mentorship skills (Anatomy, Engineering and Geology) but if you've found solid ways to work on other skills I would love to hear about them. . I understand that this process could go a lot faster if I got off planet but that's not what I'm asking. I also know that skills gain and rate are tied to profession level and equipment used (or so I've read).

Starting with developing Anatomy...I'm sitting at 1471 points, lvl 10 laser sniper, lvl 8 ranged laser.

Engineering 72 points, what professions support this?

Geology 82 points, almost a lvl 1 miner


Active Member
hi oldman:)

anatomy is a hunting skill, engineering a crafting skill and geology is mining.

You dont have to do all 3 to gain skills for mentoring. They all count.

This is a real cash game made to let you lose. Thats how we pay the company. You will probably lose in all professions. So in economic ways its best to stick at one profession, or maybe two, depending on your depositor behavior.

Stay away from crafting. You have to do 1 succesfull craft if im right for mentorship. Do no more crafting in a long time. Crafting is a moneypit if you dont know exactly what you do.

Skillgain is not really related to level. It looks like it but it isnt. Skillgain is pretty static (tt value). You only need more skills at higher level to level up.

Skillgain is more related to what mob you shoot. Wanna skill fast, hunt big mobs but lose your ass off. Efficient cheap skilling is done at small mobs with few hp. watch the loot carefully and try to use markup to make your hunting cheaper. If loot is bad, stop, it wont be better usually. (best rule in game to prevent big losses) Loot isnt totally random, its caught in time frames that are not easy to see and hardly predictable but they are there.

Equipment used wont give you more or less skills imo. But the type of gear will determine what type of skills you get. (laser weapons give laser skills, sword use gives longblade).

btw, cyrene is one of the best skilling planets in the universe.

What you mean by off planet for skills can be the repair option in space. Thats no more like it was if im informed well. Nothing to get there anymore.

i would suggest to use hk110 or si scorpion, depending on your preference for handgun or rifle. Handgun is more economic, rifle has more range. If you have budget buy a omegaton a101 amp. Follow up guns on si scorpion and/or hk110 are ozpyn chon and ozpyn LR. Cheap, more dps and great eco with omegaton a101 amp. Also great rifles are the xent tech light rifle x2 and x3 with omegaton a102 amp. But better use them maxed. That means you have full skills for it.

in description of gun it should say: Learning period: not anymore.

you could also do mining but cyrene is tricky in that, so i would stick to hunting if you like that.

so for mentoring it doesnt matter what you do, as long as you burn peds. so try to stick with cheapest options if you wanna play cheap.

if you wanna rush it no matter the cost i can give you another strategy.

good luck


Fate Thanatos Themis
rly nice post above :thumbup:

i would add, that skilling here, with less ppl around is much cheaper, or even profitable - loot got MU here even on smaller mobs. Its hard to sell it to players may seem, but on Calypso, u would have to sell almost all to TT (no MU in loot of low lev mobs), so u can do here same thing if theres no buyers
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New Member
I would suggest you get gun that is just a little better than opalo, get suitable amp and ill scout bots. the are dropping nice markup chips. no need for armor since they got only 50 hp. dont forget the mission! good luck :cheer:

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
Thx StefyLord, I've been working the scoutbots (100, 200) while looking for a better laser rifle or carbine. Cyrene AH isn't always the best for picking up exactly what's needed! I have been curious about something else though...does group hunting vs. solo hunting impact skilling efficiency?


New Member
Lets compare shoots in hunting with clicks in crafting. It's same. The more clicks(shoots), the more possibility to get skills. Teaming has nothing to do with it. By the way, SIB helps, you can check if it is on in Weapon info, magnyfing glass part. If you have peds, i would suggest you buy a xent tech 3, one of most eco guns out there, and good for low level players and mobs. Its markup is around TT+300-400 ped. Also, i seen some players TTing all guns they loot, and asked them to sell me at TT price, and they accepted. The most important thing in this game is to socialize and know people for different stuff. :D


Cyrene is the best skilling planet. Do the daily missions for tokens and skills every day. Hunt small mobs NOT big mobs if you want skills faster. i would definitely at least do the ozypn filter daily crafting every day as well as all the mining ones. If you do the dire weed missions you get the materials for ozypn anyway.

Other than that missions are good. Anatomy is not something you need to work at it'll skill faster than most everything else on it's own.

Group hunting is better than solo for offense skils, however, solo is better overall if you want to skill defense and healing as well.

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
Lets compare shoots in hunting with clicks in crafting. It's same. The more clicks(shoots), the more possibility to get skills. :D

So going off of this statement I ran an experiment. Instead of going for a bigger gun I want with a faster gun (tt laser pistol) and went after the weak paneleons. Lots of clicks, lots of skilling..seems to be working so far. I'm also rocking the daily missions near setter docks, some of the crafting missions and of course the daily paneleon mission at noob beach.
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Oldman Mayhem

New Member
Well, folks I don't know if I would go the direction of the weak paneleons. The day after I posted this the drop rate went from ranging between 85%-95% tt down to 50%-60% tt.