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Enkidd Howler S.2


New Member
Found this on a Skyshatter bot :D


  • PRINT SCREEN 2012-10-12 23-44-16.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2012-10-12 23-44-16.jpg
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  • PRINT SCREEN 2012-10-12 23-44-20.jpg
    PRINT SCREEN 2012-10-12 23-44-20.jpg
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I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
On seeing the tier rates on that weapon, I can't help but feel pissed off that it's so-o-o-o-o low. WTF, why bother trying to tier it up? It won't even make it half way to tier 1. Why do they insult us this way by giving us a discovery/HoF and slapping us with a basically useless weapon (as far as resale goes). In any case, big gratz on the discovery!


I have noticed the Tier rates seem to be getting lower by the day! Anyway mine are 93 92 38 31 32 103 etc..

Is 21.95ped TT left lets see if this baby can make it to Tier 3 :)


Anyone know where these skyshatters are? Ive been looking around and cant seem to find any.


Wow, these things got alont stronger it seems since launch, Nem+6a isnt enough anymore :(. Ah well, thanks for the information, mabe someday I can kill them :)