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Enkidd Howler weapons?


Does anyone know what, and what level, drops the Enkidd Howler S1 S2 and S3... Entropia Wiki has become about as reliable as asking a drunken Dwarf in middle earth, o_O.


Howler S1 drop from Dire Weed, ive had 5-6 in the last few days, they did drop from Zela alpha in the past too, I think S3 may have too

Thanks, Like I said Entropia Wiki... nobody seems to update the info much, at all, these days.. which is kinda sad.
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Always keep in mind that on Cyrene, different maturities often have quite different loot tables. Something that drops from e.g. finned tree dragon doesn't necessarily drop from ridged ones. Entropedia just doesn't work well with that.

S.1 drops from Mutated Dire Plant. In my experience, once in 500...600 kills but the drop rate might have improved since.
S.3 drops from Old Tide Claw. Not sure about drop rate.

There likely are other sources as well for both.


Active Member
I just killed 1000 tide claws (mainly because of the splendid x-mas box drops). So I got this howler s.4 blueprint.
The rare object in the ingredients is strong senew, which apparently used to drop from zeladoth alpha/kappa. This is good because I want to start the tanhok/zorra mission to get a weapon. Does it still drop (from time to time?)