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Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene


Active Member
Last 9 days to participate in the part 1 of the event "Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene"

Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing an armor from Cyrene and post it on this thread. You can do it from now untill September 30, 23h59 Game Time.


Active Member
8 days left to participate in the part 1 of the event "Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene".

Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing an armor from Cyrene and post it on this thread. You can do it from now untill September 30, 23h59 Game Time.

Part 2 " Parade " will happend October 1st at Janus Teleporter Planet Cyrene.

More details in Opening Post.

Rick Sanchez

New Member

Ricardo Rick Sanchez (M) wearing Augmented Imperium from the 2022 F/W line


Active Member
7 days left to participate in the part 1 of the event "Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene".

Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing an armor from Cyrene and post it on this thread. You can do it from now untill September 30, 23h59 Game Time.

Part 2 " Parade " will happend October 1st at Janus Teleporter Planet Cyrene.

More details in Opening Post.
Hey! Cos my soc. mate still waiting for the forum confirmation e-mail, i would like to help her to upload the Rutol pic :D

I hope this counts too :D
Avatar name: dew dewdrop drop


Have a nice entrolympics!


Active Member

Congratulations to dew dewdrop drop who was the first to find and post a screenshot of Rutol found on Cyrene.



:topsecret: For those having interest in the secret task, maybe you can investigate cyrenesecrets.com...
Last edited:


Active Member
4 days left to participate in the part 1 of the event "Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene".

Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing Cyrene armor and post it on this thread. You can do it untill September 30, 23h59 Game Time.

Actual Players Screenshots in part 1:
F Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi
M Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
M Ricardo Rick Sanchez
M Igor aigojek Eliar
M Paulan Keksikleks ox

Part 2 " Parade " will happend October 1st at Janus Teleporter Planet Cyrene.

More details in Opening Post.



New Member
These events are part of the Entrolympic Events 2022, partner of
THE Armor Shop, BIG Industries, Entropiafund, Pemphredo Island, Planet Cyrene, Playpointgames.

The events will start september 1 untill october 31 and will have prizes in ped/items and Athletic Points (Apoints) except for the "Sweat & Quiz" and the "Halloween Costume Contest", those will not reward Apoints.
At the end of all the events, october 31, the players with the most Apoints will also win prizes. Cyrene specially created unique items that will be rewarded, check this thread for images.

Sweat and Quiz: (NO Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: Opening festivities with a sweat and quiz event was really fun! Thanks to everyone who joined and participated, and congratulations to those who sold some sweat.

Questions asked:
1- What year was planet Cyrene launched ? 2012

2- How many [Mazeweaver Certificate] do you need, to get [WolperTinger Pet] ? 200

3- What do you get if you refine 4 [Bone] ? 1 [Decent Calcium Compound]

4- True or False: You can turn 10 000 [Rare Pleak Wing] into 100 Stamina Tokens to Ben Keery - Pleak Ornithologist ? True

5- What is the requirement to unlock hidden skill "Avoidance" ? Level 25 Evader, Dodger, Jammer, or Captain

6- Which of the following crystals is not from Cyrene: Orange Crystal, Purple Crystal, Turquoise Crystal, Rainbow Crystal ? Turquoise Crystal

7- In Mission Galactica, what is the name of the divine creature you have to kill in Cyrene to get the [Divine Intervention Chip] ? Divine Golem

Fruits Finding Event: (Apoints rewarded in this event)
Date and Time: From September 1st, 00:00 till October 30, 23:59 Game Time.

Search fruits in Cyrene, pick it up and take a screenshot.
Some details MUST be visible in the screenshot such as:
-System message showing the amount of fruits picked up
-Avatar name in Health bar OR above his head
-Loot Window (or Inventory accepted)
When you feel that your screenshot is good and worth it, you can post it on this thread. When your screenshot is validated, your score and your name will appear in the ranking and it will no longer be possible to modify it.
In case of equality, the advantage will go to the participant who posted the screenshot first.
You can post a maxium of 1 screenshot per fruit variety, so a total of 4 screenshots. (Bombardo, Caroot, Haimoros, Papplon)

Participants will earn Fruit Points (FP) based on the amount of fruits found and how fast they found it.
Fastest to find Bombardo: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Highest Amount of Bombardo: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Fastest to find Caroot: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Highest Amount of Caroot: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Fastest to find Haimoros: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Highest Amount of Haimoros: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Fastest to find Papplon: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP
Highest Amount of Papplon: 1st 10FP, 2nd 9FP etc...10th and more 1FP

The total FP (Fruit Points) will establish the ranking of the Best Fruit Finders.
In case of equalities, the advantage will go to the one who posted fruit screenshot first.
At the end of the event, the fruits finders will win prizes and Athletic Points (Apoints).

Prizes: Every participant will get a Giveaway Ticket

Players with the most Fruits Points (FP):
  • 1st Pitbull Mk. 2 (C,L) + 10 APoints
  • 2nd Pitbull Mk. 1 (C,L) + 9 APoints
  • 3rd Sleipnir Mk. 1 (C,L) + 8 APoints
  • 4th Spear MK. IV (L) + 7 Apoints
  • 5th 6 Apoints
  • 6th 5 Apoints
  • 7th 4 Apoints
  • 8th 3 Apoints
  • 9th 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more... 1 Apoint

Highest Amount of Mixed Fruits Total:
  • 1st 10ped
  • 2nd 9ped
  • 3rd 8ped
  • 4th 7ped
  • 5th 6ped
  • 6th 5ped
  • 7th 4ped
  • 8th 3ped
  • 9th 2ped
  • 10th 1ped

Highest Finding of Each Fruit variety (Bombardo, caroot, haimoros, papplon (x4))
  • 1st: 25ped(x4)
  • 2nd: 20ped(x4)
  • 3rd: 15ped(x4)
Bonus: First player to find Rutol will win 25ped.
View attachment 4005
Participation prize: Each participant can sell 2500 Vibrant Sweat for 5ped if they want.

Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 Special Cyrene: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

This event is a beauty contest and will be divided into 3 parts.

Part 1: Cyrene Armors Screenshot Contest

Date and Time:
From September 1 till September 30, 23:59 Game Time.
Location: Anywhere you want in Cyrene.

Rules: Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing an armor from Cyrene and standing at the location of your choice in Cyrene, and post it on this thread.
Write your full avatar name and your avatar gender (M) or (F) in your post.
All Cyrene armors accepted (TT, Mentoring, crafted, looted etc..)
Image editing is allowed (e.g. using photoshop, gimp etc).
Limit of one entry per participant.
Participants will receive a Beauty Points (BP) score out of 10, awarded by jury members and based on screenshot creativity and overall aesthetics.

Participation prize part 1: Each participant can sell 2500 Vibrant Sweat for 5ped if they want.

Part 2: Parade

Date and Time:
October 1st, 21:00 Game Time
Location: New Janus Estates Teleporter /wp [Planet Cyrene, 132121, 74535, 104, Waypoint]

Rules: Participants will have to wear pieces of clothing from cyrene or pieces of clothes customized with Cyrene's textures.
One by one, participants will parade in front the host in order to be scanned.
Participants will receive a score out of 10 Beauty Points, awarded by jury members and based on creativity and overall aesthetics.

Participation prize part 2: Each participant can sell 2500 Vibrant Sweat for 5ped if they want.

Part 3: Polls and votes

Date and Time:
From October 2 till October 30th, 23:59 Game Time.
Locations: Threads polls on Cyreneforum.com

Rules: All participants ranked in part 1 nor part 2 will be registred in polls, 1 Poll for (F) avatars, 1 Poll for (M) avatars.
At the end of the polls, participants will earn Beauty Points based on their ranking established by the votes.
Avatars Female and Male with the most votes will win 10 Beauty Points each, 9BP for the 2nd, etc...10th and more will earn 1 BP.
In case of equalities, Points of the ranks will be divided by amount of participants with equal votes, example: if 1st and 2nd have same amount of votes, it makes (10pts+9pts) divided by 2=9,5BP each.
After the polls, the total Beauty Points each participant earned in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 will be calculated: part 1 + part 2 + part 3 = total Beauty Points.
It will serve to rank the participants, the Female and the Male participant with the most Beauty Points in total, are going to be the winners Miss and Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene.
In case of equalities of Total Beauty Points Final, the advantage will go to the one who posted screenshot in Part 1 first.

Prizes: Every participant will get a Giveaway Ticket

  • 1st F and M will each win: Replica Ice Blue Set + Zyn Entrolympics Torch + Makeup + Imperium Spec Lancer (L) + 10 Athletic Points
  • 2nd F and M will each win: Replica Blood Red Set + Spear MK. II (L) + 9 Apoints
  • 3rd F and M will each win: Replica Solar Orange Set + 8 Apoints
  • 4th F and M will each win: Zekkonian Costume Wings + 7 Apoints
  • 5th F and M will each win: Imperium Common Shirt + 6 Apoints
  • 6th F and M will each win: Embossed Cyrene Shirt (L) (C,L) + 5 Apoints
  • 7th F and M will each win: Embossed Cyrene Shirt (L) (C,L) + 4 Apoints
  • 8th F and M will each win: 3 Apoints
  • 9th F and M will each win: 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more...will win 1 Apoint

Best 3 with Cyrene pets:
  • 1st [Artemic Ring, Augmented]
  • 2nd [Artemic Ring, Modified]
  • 3rd [Artemic Ring, Improved]


PPG Triathlon Relay Race: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

Conclusion: Thanks to Playpointgames.com representants Mije th3Gasshi Shiro, Oskar Oskarito Dy, Ridge RB Batty for their support and entire cooperation in the Triathlon event. Thanks also Lars Mr Lars Sebra from Calypso Rescue Team for his service opening wormhole.

Congratulations to participants:

View attachment 4024

Prizes: Every participants received a Giveaway Ticket and sold sweat at 2ped/K
  • 1st Team won 300ped and each member will get 10 Apoints
  • 2nd Team won 150ped and each member will get 9 Apoints
  • 3rd Team won 90ped and each member will get 8 Apoints
  • 4th Team won 3x [Imperium Spec Lancer (L)] 7 Apoints each member
  • 5th Team 6 Apoints each member
  • 6th Team 5 Apoints each member
  • 7th Team 4 Apoints each member
Giveaway Result: Steve walkingMicrobe Jobs was picked up and won 25ped.

PvP in the Hub: (Apoints rewarded in this event)

Date and Time: October 15, 21h00 Game Time
Location: /wp [The Hub, 37171, 19915, 600, Waypoint]

Rules: In this pvp event, participants will be equal in health and skills.
They will have to survive and kill eachother in a 10 minutes fight using [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade].
You can bring your own, but I will also be able to lend up to 10 [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade], so if you want to book one, let me know by posting your request on this thread and the name of your avatar. All [Turrelion Spec Psy-Blade] loaned to participants must be returned after the event.
No armor and No healing allowed !
When a participant get killed, disconnected, or walking out of the area, he is eliminated.
A player killing another player will earn 1 Fight Point (FP).
If there is only one survivor left before the end of 10 minutes, the fight will be over and the points will be: 10 FP for last man standing, 9FP for 2nd last etc...the 10th and more 1 FP.
If several participants survive the end of regulatory time, the FP will be divided by each survivor.
Example: Is 4 survivors, it makes 10FP+9FP+8FP+7FP=34FP divided by 4=8,5FP each.
The FP made with kills will then be added and we will have the final ranking.

Prizes: Every participant will get a Giveaway Ticket

Players with most Fight Points:
  • 1st Makeup Mask, Small (L) + 25,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 10 Apoints
  • 2nd 20,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 9 Apoints
  • 3rd 15,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 8 Apoints
  • 4th 11,25ped TT mixed Reward Tokens + 7 Apoints
  • 5th [Cyrene Acid Armor Plate (L)] + 6 Apoints
  • 6th [Imperium Armor Plating I] + 5 Apoints
  • 7th 4 Apoints
  • 8th 3 Apoints
  • 9th 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more 1 Apoint
Players who want to sell [Reward Token (Lime Green)] can sell at rate of 3ped/1000 to avatar " BARATEK BOSSNASS SOULBINDER "

Participation prize: Each participant can sell 2500 Vibrant Sweat for 5ped if they want.

Date and Time: From september 1 to october 30, 23h59 Game Time.
Location: ?????????????

Rules: Investigate to find the task rules, let's see on cyrenesecrets...

Prizes: Every participant will get a Giveaway Ticket
  • 1st 50ped + 10 Apoints
  • 2nd 9 Apoints
  • 3rd 8 Apoints
  • 4th 7 Apoints
  • 5th 6 Apoints
  • 6th 5 Apoints
  • 7th 4 Apoints
  • 8th 3 Apoints
  • 9th 2 Apoints
  • 10th and more 1 Apoint.
Participation prize: Each participant can sell 2500 Vibrant Sweat for 5ped if they want.
Useful information:
The Secret Task may have some similarities with the treasure hunts 2020 and 2022 bis.


Sweaty Halloween Costume Contest: (NO Apoints rewarded in this event)

Date and Time: October 31, 21h00 to 22h00 during SSI Cyrene.
Location: /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138121, 78464, 140, Waypoint]

Rules: Come sweat during SSI Cyrene and simply wear your best Halloween costume.
Players with the best and most original costumes will win prizes.

Prizes: Each player present and disguised will be able to sell 1K sweat for 2ped.

Best cotumes:
  • 1st Halloween Torch + 50ped
  • 2nd Halloween Torch + 25ped
  • 3rd Halloween Torch + 12,50ped
  • 4th Halloween Torch + 12,50ped

At the end of all events, october 31, players with the most Athletic Points (Apoints) are going to win the following prizes:
  • 1st Full Set Goldenweave + Zyn Trophy Entrolympics + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
  • 2nd Aeglic Ring, Modified + Full Set Silverstitch + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
  • 3rd Aeglic Ring, Modified + A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
  • 4th A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
  • 5th A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L)
At the end of all events, participants with Giveaways Tickets will have chance(s) to win up to 125ped by being picked up randomly.


  • Fruits Finding 25ped ( Happening october 31 )
  • Miss&Mr 25ped ( Happening october 1 )
  • PvP 25ped ( Happening october 15 )
  • Secret Task 25ped ( Happening october 31 )


Active Member
3 days left to participate in the PART 1 of the event "Miss & Mr Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene".

Take a screenshot of your avatar wearing Cyrene armor and post it on this thread. You can do it untill September 30, 23h59 Game Time.

Actual Players Screenshots in part 1:
F Ildiko LittleBerry Igloi
M Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
M Ricardo Rick Sanchez
M Igor aigojek Eliar
M Paulan Keksikleks ox
M Alek Gozzy Abernor

PART 2, the " Parade " will happend October 1st at Janus Teleporter Planet Cyrene.

More details in Opening Post.
